View Full Version : 97+ Driver Window Panel Replacement

10-08-2013, 04:11 AM
I havent seen a write up on here about the window switch replacement so I decided to do a write up on mine. I just want to be clear that I am no mechanic and I tend to do things the wrong way or the lazy way over the correct way.

First things first. Remove the 5 screws that hold to door on. There are 3 big screws in the center of the door panel and one next to the door latch and the other in the corner by your driver mirror.


Next, work from the bottom to the top releasing the plastic 'trees' that snap the panel in place. Its was best to start in a corner and work your way around.


Next comes the fun part. There is a lip that the seal of the window rides under the door panel. You have to lift up and out at the same time to clear the lip to remove the panel. I ended up using my hands and worked from the outside corners towards the center was I was lifting.


Next, you could remove these plastic snaps to seperate the door lock and latch then remove the entire door panel. It would be easier to work on but with this XJ, plastic seems to be dry and fragile so I left them in place.


This is my modified method to hold the panel in place while working on the switch.


Next, remove the clip wiring and the three screws that hold the switch in place. There is one screw at the top of the switch and two at the bottom.


For your viewing pleasure, the difference between the two.


After the switch is out just reverse the order. To get the lip back over involved a screw drive and some TLC.

Here she is all buttoned up, windows working from all door and my lock and latch still works on the drivers door.


10-28-2013, 02:11 PM
Next, you could remove these plastic snaps to seperate the door lock and latch then remove the entire door panel. It would be easier to work on but with this XJ, plastic seems to be dry and fragile so I left them in place.


You're right, those CAN get brittle over time, and break when messing with them, if you're careful, and use a couple tools, then you can rotate them off the bar without damaging them.
In the case you or someone reading this DOES break them , replacements can be sourced relatively easily, thru ebay for instance for cheap. (http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/300813305821?lpid=82)


Their official title is "DOOR LOCK ROD CLIPS"
...and they are specific to the side of the vehicle they came off of.
If doing a generic search, these clips are measured by the diameter of the rod that they snap to.