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bad luck
10-01-2013, 08:37 AM
My wife works in Arches N.P. and she is really pissed at the government. Well the damn politicians really, for this shutdown. She is allowed to go in the park from 8 to noon today, to finish up and do anything needed then she won't be allowed back in till they agree to stop this nonsense. The bad part is all the tourists from all over the world visiting, and the people camping in the park are being kicked out this morning. There are a lot of people whose vacations are ruined because of this. Except for park access, I could care less if the government shuts down, the bastards spend less of our money now at least.

10-01-2013, 08:48 AM

10-01-2013, 08:55 AM
In all seriousness,
Sorry to hear about your wife, and yea the whole thing is a bunch of BS if you ask me....
But you're right!....at least now they're not spending as much of our money.

10-01-2013, 09:01 AM
Im in the same boat, had to go to work just to be told to "shutdown" and wait to be dismissed....

....one of the "perks" to working for the Feds

bad luck
10-01-2013, 09:18 AM
I don't know what other government agencies are being shut down. The post office is still going to be open. I hope they shut down the I.R.S. lol but I bet that won't happen.

10-01-2013, 09:25 AM
hmmm I wounder if Air Force 1 is grounded too?

10-01-2013, 09:35 AM
I believe all military, etc is impacted

10-01-2013, 09:55 AM
ACTIVE military members will still receive pay. But most other government employees will not... including NASA. Hell even including my sister in law and her husband. They work in the VA benefits assistance and they'll still have to work... with no pay, and they have two young kids.

I bet things would be different if the congress members didn't get paid....

Hats off to Ted Cruz who will be giving all his paychecks to charity until this is over.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

10-01-2013, 09:59 AM
I've said this before and I'll say it again: I'm sick and tired of the parties blaming the other side for the shutdown... BOTH parties are to blame because if EITHER side would give in... no shutdown. They're spending more time blaming than working it out. What a bunch of children.

Set aside which side you're on... I'm only speaking about the fact they are playing the blame game instead of working this out.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

10-01-2013, 09:59 AM
Im in the same boat, had to go to work just to be told to "shutdown" and wait to be dismissed....

....one of the "perks" to working for the Feds

You'd think the CIA would have special funding. Oh crap I just blew your cover! :bacondance:

10-01-2013, 10:40 AM
I noticed that strange van parked in front of my house is gone.

10-01-2013, 10:44 AM
You'd think the CIA would have special funding. Oh crap I just blew your cover! :bacondance:

TONY!!!! I told you never to say anything!

10-01-2013, 10:58 AM
IRS is shutdown at work we were in a middle of a audit and was informed they will be back when it is over. It figures they were going to have to wright us a check.:bang:

10-01-2013, 11:23 AM
Does this mean they cannot collect any more taxes?

10-01-2013, 12:37 PM

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

10-01-2013, 01:20 PM
ACTIVE military members will still receive pay. But most other government employees will not... including NASA. Hell even including my sister in law and her husband. They work in the VA benefits assistance and they'll still have to work... with no pay, and they have two young kids.

I bet things would be different if the congress members didn't get paid....

Hats off to Ted Cruz who will be giving all his paychecks to charity until this is over.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

Yes, go Ted Cruz!!!!

10-01-2013, 04:50 PM
Does this mean they cannot collect any more taxes?

no they will take your money but the people that give you money are sent home.:thumbdown:

10-01-2013, 04:55 PM
Ever notice that when the guv'ment shuts down they close the things that hit the "commoners" first. Quit sending the money over seas FIRST, quit paying the politicians SECOND. The amount of money spent running the national monuments, parks, museums etc. pales in comparison to the boat loads of money THEY waste on things that don't even effect the average citizen.
Don't EVEN get me started on this Obama care crap, I'm already suffering the consequences of that major FAIL and it's not even fully implemented yet.

10-01-2013, 05:11 PM
I started suffering that fiasco the moment they wrote the law. It destroyed my successful business of issuing green tax credits to raise money for it. So much for green democrats

10-01-2013, 08:48 PM
My wife works in Arches N.P. and she is really pissed at the government. Well the damn politicians really, for this shutdown. She is allowed to go in the park from 8 to noon today, to finish up and do anything needed then she won't be allowed back in till they agree to stop this nonsense. The bad part is all the tourists from all over the world visiting, and the people camping in the park are being kicked out this morning. There are a lot of people whose vacations are ruined because of this. Except for park access, I could care less if the government shuts down, the bastards spend less of our money now at least.


Christina and I thought about you and your wife when the deadline passed...and what would happen.

This is stupidity at its "best/worse example"...kinda nuts....the parks at least "take in" some money from fees and the gift shops, help drive the local economies, and they shut that down..

And what is it with Congress not having to use the system THEY voted to impose on us?

I may have heard wrong, but something about "a lot of their staffers make less than $60,000/year, and can't afford the new insurance".

$60,000/year? Seriously?

Is not the average median income in the US ALSO less than $60K/year?


bad luck
10-01-2013, 09:05 PM
John, at least Monique has so much seniority there, when they locked up the park today they transferred her to the MIC. That is the Moab Information Center in the middle of town. So she will be working there until this comes to an end. But that isn't the point. Our glorious leaders seem to have lost all contact and feeling for working people in this country. Monique told me that all afternoon she just spoke French to the tourists who came to visit our parks, and they were so upset. But as you know there is a lot to see and do outside the parks. So most of them left feeling much better than when they arrived. And I don't want to think about Obamacare. We need less government, not more.

10-01-2013, 09:28 PM
John, at least Monique has so much seniority there, when they locked up the park today they transferred her to the MIC. That is the Moab Information Center in the middle of town. So she will be working there until this comes to an end. But that isn't the point. Our glorious leaders seem to have lost all contact and feeling for working people in this country. Monique told me that all afternoon she just spoke French to the tourists who came to visit our parks, and they were so upset. But as you know there is a lot to see and do outside the parks. So most of them left feeling much better than when they arrived. And I don't want to think about Obamacare. We need less government, not more.

I am glad she is able to stay working.

You are right, they are completely out of touch with the real issues and challenges faced by those who don't want to be out of work, or behind on ANY payment. I am still looking for work (got some interviews, so there is hope), but insurance from my former employer ran out yesterday.

If I could afford $1400/month for COBRA insurance, I would not be worried about finding a job in a hurry, because I would have to be wealthy to afford that in addition to amortgage, food, power, water, gas for car, etc.

I tried several times to use the healthcare.gov website today to see if they were any options for my wife and kids while I am looking for work and have some funds in the bank....

You can't even finish setting up an account before the thing has a glitch. :bang:

bad luck
10-01-2013, 09:38 PM
Well again John, good luck with the job hunt, I sure hope it works out for you.

10-02-2013, 01:53 PM
Well, here we are in the second day of Obama care. It is what all the hub bub is about. In CA, we supposedly have the exchange in place, call centers etc. Yesterday, in my entire county, not one phone call was directed to the call center. Also there was a little blurb on MSNBC, the mouthpiece of the democratic party (as admitted by a former newscaster) that the website doesn't work and neither does the call center.

10-02-2013, 02:50 PM
I don't like that the parks are shut down. But other than that. Don't care much. Sadly our school yard child like politicians are throwing fits. NPR listeners are stating "well if the republicans would just cooperate." I just chuckle. It's the, my parties shit don't stink" attitude. I ready to start a new county.
I can't afford affordable healthcare. My money is already gone before I have it. Rent, food, gas, minor bills, taxes, lawyer. I'm tapped out.

10-02-2013, 07:04 PM
just call Cherokee and you all ready have a song.By Paul Revere & The Raiders Cherokee People.

10-02-2013, 09:26 PM
Well, here we are in the second day of Obama care. It is what all the hub bub is about. In CA, we supposedly have the exchange in place, call centers etc. Yesterday, in my entire county, not one phone call was directed to the call center. Also there was a little blurb on MSNBC, the mouthpiece of the democratic party (as admitted by a former newscaster) that the website doesn't work and neither does the call center.

SC is sending us to the Federal site....I have tried to estimate the numbers, based on an average salary if I land a new job.......and the "tax credit".....if it's a tax credit, that means to me I have to come up with the money up front, right?

And the site is still broken....I am really not interested in participating at all, but I am one of those people that like to have the facts on things I am ticked off about, so I am trying to get accurate numbers....which is apparently somewhat challenging...

10-02-2013, 09:36 PM
sitting down here in my little part of the world and all I got is ....WOW..

10-02-2013, 09:47 PM
Beside the fact our national parks and monuments are closed and the military personnel that are still suffering. Let the govt stay shutdown.

10-04-2013, 02:02 PM
It's only a small percentage of the Federal shut down. If we keep it shut down long enough. Maybe we'll see how much less government we can actually like without. Privatize forest service. I would put money on it that the land would be better managed. So things like the Yosemite fire would have either never had happened or been nearly as bad and expensive.
I don't know if I'm missing out on anything. I'm not employed by the government nor do I rely on them for daily functioning. Economically its been the same. Crappy! But it's been 5-6 years like this. I call it "same shit, different toilet."

10-11-2013, 06:58 AM
Some good news... The states that have such magnificent parks should be allowed to run them if they can.


10-11-2013, 11:56 AM
Soooooo, it can be done

10-11-2013, 12:05 PM
Glad to see that this is a possibility... Think it is kind of crummy in the first place, that they shut em down.. I understand maybe dropping the man power down to bare minimum, but think it was stupid to close em up... especially where they are closing private businesses that are close the park entrances...

10-11-2013, 12:07 PM
Glad to see that this is a possibility... Think it is kind of crummy in the first place, that they shut em down.. I understand maybe dropping the man power down to bare minimum, but think it was stupid to close em up... especially where they are closing private businesses that are close the park entrances...

Those good ol' Republicans are looking into that one. Might be a head or two rolling on that one

bad luck
10-11-2013, 02:10 PM
My wife just got a call, and Arches N.P. is going to reopen tomorrow morning. I don't think all the national parks are going to open though. So many people had their vacations ruined by the shutdown, but I doubt that the government officials care about that.

10-11-2013, 02:18 PM
Having been a government employee, I sympathize. Even though we were considered essential services in a municipal government, we were always a political football used as a bargaining chip with the public for higher taxes. The parks and rec guys had several furloughs over the years. My job as a firefighter was in jeopardy every year until I got enough seniority to be immune from it.

10-13-2013, 04:30 AM
friend posted on FB


10-13-2013, 04:56 AM
friend posted on FB


Very well said!

10-13-2013, 07:54 AM
I posted this on my face book earlier this week:

My wife and I have been running a household for over 26 years now. There's one thing we know from this experience. A annual financial deficit that grows each year and is not addressed is a sure recipe for ruin.

If a family makes $50,000 a year and has $500,000 in debt obligations, not only is it going to be nearly impossible to dig their way out, they surely don't need to keep asking the credit providers to "raise their limit". At some point it will finally consume them and leave them emotionally and financially broken.

So having made this simple observation how is it the United States Government has existed for over 230 years without learning the same lessons that any reasonable family already knows? Why is it they think it is "good business" to keep raising the debt limit without any plan to straighten out the already crushing national debt? All the while the American people, (the ones with any common sense), are screaming at them to stop the insanity.

Ladies and gentlemen doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the plain definition of insanity, therefore, I must conclude that the government has completely lost its collective mind!!

10-13-2013, 11:19 AM


So my roommates all left because of a job thing and I need to make rent. I really think this place is great and I've been living here for a while (incumbency FTW!). I don't want to leave but the utilities are a real bitch to afford on your own. Some facts about the digs:

It's about 775,000 square feet. Yeah, it's big, I know. But don't let the size alone fool you! It's cozy too--lots of individual rooms!

Location, location, location. It's close to everything you could possibly want. The Botanical Gardens (they're temporarily closed, but don't let that stop you); the metro, and plenty of bars. The bars are important, because what else are we gonna do?

It's historic too! It was built in like 1800 something. Don't ask me the specifics, there's a plaque somewhere. Let's just say it's pretty sweet. There are plenty of cool things inside, like a giant statue of King Kamehameha I. It makes for weird midnight runs to the bathroom, but whatever.

Wanna know more just ask!

About you: Must be LGBT friendly. Must not be a Republican. Don't be racist. Don't hate women. Must think poor Americans are people.

Oh, and don't be an Eagles fan, because, gross.

cats are OK - purrr
dogs are OK - wooof
Location: Capitol Hill
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests


10-15-2013, 06:30 PM
So the gov. shutdown is over Obamacare. Here is an interesting article about that fiasco


10-16-2013, 01:21 PM
It's only a small percentage of the Federal shut down. If we keep it shut down long enough. Maybe we'll see how much less government we can actually like without. Privatize forest service. I would put money on it that the land would be better managed. So things like the Yosemite fire would have either never had happened or been nearly as bad and expensive.
I don't know if I'm missing out on anything. I'm not employed by the government nor do I rely on them for daily functioning. Economically its been the same. Crappy! But it's been 5-6 years like this. I call it "same shit, different toilet."

Agreed. Goes to show the extra pork in our spending.

Outlaw star
10-16-2013, 08:13 PM
This furlow crap messes with alot of us Gaurd and Reservists also, either we dont have to report for our weekend or we have to report but dont get paid, depends on the units job. WTF?!

10-17-2013, 01:30 AM
This furlow crap messes with alot of us Gaurd and Reservists also, either we dont have to report for our weekend or we have to report but dont get paid, depends on the units job. WTF?!

It should be over soon. The republicans are caving. How does a Guardsmen not get paid, that is a state function when the Federal Government is 'shutdown'?

Outlaw star
10-18-2013, 09:00 AM
Was just informed by my Plt Sgt that even if our drill is cancelled we will stil be getting paid for the two days. Thats not too bad our pay is like a salary, a set amount per year divided by the 12 months plus the two weeks so we do get our pay still.

Outlaw star
10-18-2013, 09:09 AM
It should be over soon. The republicans are caving. How does a Guardsmen not get paid, that is a state function when the Federal Government is 'shutdown'?

Im a reservist (12N/Sapper) Gaurd may be state based and paid but is still part of the Army/goverment.