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09-05-2013, 11:52 PM
Read the article. Process the information provided. Come to a conclusion. Post your comments.


09-05-2013, 11:58 PM
Read the article. Process the information provided. Come to a conclusion. Post your comments.


Sure. If you change the fact that its illegal to cross our borders without proper clearance and paperwork. How can you have a law that says one thing is illegal and results in a criminal action, and another law that states we will do nothing about it?

I got an idea. Lets just add more laws because if the 42nd law about this issue doesnt fix it the 43rd will.:banghead:

XJ Wheeler
09-06-2013, 01:56 AM
Idiots. I suppose they may be picking up too many innocent people suspected for murder, so they need to stop apprehending all suspected for murder. :confused: :banghead:

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

09-06-2013, 07:35 AM
I agree. It should be illegal to detain them. I'd prefer my tax dollars be spent in providing the cheapest most uncomfortable transportation as possible back to their home country. If you want to live in the US, awesome, I'll buy you a beer and happily call you neighbor, but do it LEGALLY!!!

09-06-2013, 10:15 AM
For those who don't know, SF has declared itself a :Sanctuary City" which is illegal in itself. So the city is encouraging illegal immigrants to come there so they won't be detained. This is just one step toward achieving that.

09-06-2013, 01:35 PM
Steve, I had heard from a Oakland resident the same about Oakland. The city of Oakland has even put up signs and designated places for Day Laborers to hang out. It's on High street. Of course close to Home Depot and a local lumber yard (Economy Lumber). But I've been around there at 8a.m. I swear there are hundreds of illegals standing around. Same thing goes for the U-Haul place.
I don't know of any other country that does what America does to accommodate illegals so well as us.
I agree to treat people with ethics and moral. But I'm not super excited about amount of assistance we provide. Ever been to Mexico? Even been pulled over? It sucks! The cops there extort you out of money. Me and my ex use to go their b/c she was studying this lizard. We would get harassed regularly.

09-06-2013, 01:39 PM
You are right. It all boils down to votes. Those who welcome illegals can count on their vote. Never mind they are not voting legally. Which opens up another can of worms about how requiring ID discriminates against minorities. But they have to have ID to get assistance, which is apparently not discriminatory.

XJ Wheeler
09-06-2013, 04:05 PM
You are right. It all boils down to votes. Those who welcome illegals can count on their vote. Never mind they are not voting legally. Which opens up another can of worms about how requiring ID discriminates against minorities. But they have to have ID to get assistance, which is apparently not discriminatory.

Bingo! That's why our federal GOVERNMENT is suing Texas (and i'm sure others) for wanting to have voters ID'd.

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.