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View Full Version : Midland 75-822 Portable/Mobile CB Radio

08-09-2013, 11:44 AM
In preparation for the great Colorado/Utah roadtrip, I had to purchase a few things to make the Explorer suitable to the trip, since the XJ was not ready.

While CB's are not as popular as they once were, they are a requirement by many clubs, can be handy in the right circumstances, and a weatherband radio is always nice. I already have a compact unit in the XJ, and I knew my wife was not going to allow a permanent mount in her Explorer....

A little Googling lead me to this https://midlandusa.com/cb-radios/product/75-822cb-radio/

The Midland 75-822 portable CB with NOAA weather alerts.

You get a lot in the package...the radio, "rubber ducky" antenna, the 12v adapter with a connector for a PL 259 external antenna, a "base" that can take alkaline batteries, and a base that can take rechargeable batteries with a charging port and wall plug.

Part 2 to follow....

08-16-2013, 10:58 PM
Okay, FINALLY back at my home PC....

More pics of what you get in the package....

The contents!

The back of the box!

Now, this radio can be used as a portable, and I like how they give you options...:D

You recieve these two modules, empty...:confused:


The one on the left is designed with a charging circuit and includes a wall adapter with a 15v, 100mA output, for 6 rechargeable AA batteries. The one one the right is basically and empty battery holder for 6 AA's....or rechargeable AA's :D

08-16-2013, 11:06 PM
So you can slide the battery modules on....


Or the 12v adapter with a PL 259 connector...



08-17-2013, 11:01 AM
Seems like a pretty cool option for a temp installed unit, or for a trip in someone else's rig... heck if nothing else a spare to have if someone in the group doesn't have a CB in their rig... not to mention the NOAA alerts are pretty nice too if you are going to be out for a long trip or a camping trip.... I look forward to hearing your feedback after making use of this unit, as to whether it is worth having or not...

08-17-2013, 09:44 PM
Review continued.....

So I had a CB solution that would not take up a ton of space in the Explorer, but could use a real antenna, had NOAA channels, several power options, and was portable if we decided to take a brief hike.

Well, this was a temp install, so bolting a FireStik or Wilson Silverload to the sheet metal of the Explorer was out...
Hey, I got that Wilson 1000 mag mount I fixed.....PROBLEM SOLVED!!! :woot:

(15 minutes later, my beloved wifey comes out through the garage .."Honey, I am trying to pre-pack the FirstAid kit and trauma bag, but the EMT shears are miss...:smiley-angry021:

:o "Its a antenna, I was testing the CB..."

"Does it HAVE to be like that?? Our accents are a dead giveaway, are you TRYING to broadcast "SOUTHERN REDNECK!! SOUTHERN IGNORANT REDNECK RIGHT HERE!!!"


"Of course you're not...I know we need an antenna, but THAT is NOT going on MY truck, get something else!"

"Yes, dear, you're right..." :sign0181: (hard learned trick for avoiding further corrections)

Hmmm, maybe I can find a....perfect! :D So a few days later, a Wilson "Lil' Will" mag mount showed up, with a 36" whip, and NOAA channel compatibility.

We are 5 miles from I-26 and 8 miles from I-85...as soon as I connected the antenna, channel 19 started picking up conversations clearly from I-26, even without the SWR set.

I took a meter with me and several ways to trim the whip, with the plan of setting the SWR in the vast emptiness of Kansas :D but that plan never materialized, as the pigtail for the SWR meter oddly disappeared after St. Louis and re-appeared in Colorado.

So I have not checked this radio with a properly tuned antenna yet.

XJ Wheeler
08-18-2013, 02:15 AM
"Does it HAVE to be like that?? Our accents are a dead giveaway, are you TRYING to broadcast "SOUTHERN REDNECK!! SOUTHERN IGNORANT REDNECK RIGHT HERE!!!"


Ran a "Lil Wil" on our work trucks for a few years. Just watch the trees, it WILL break if pulled over too far. Oh, and drive thru's. :rolleyes:

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

08-18-2013, 02:34 AM
That's one of the downsides to the HF band (11 meters CB included) the antennas are long. Quarter wave is 103 inches (103.25 for 20.195 Mhz) inches. 468 / transmit frequency.

2 meters is only 19.16 inches. 70 cm is only 6.29 inches!!!!

Something to consider if big mobile antennas are a real concern, but you still want the ability to contact people via the 2 way radio.