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View Full Version : HONORABLE TRANSPORT-----'ish

Infidel Edition
05-23-2013, 10:13 PM
So I've been on the Honor Guard team for a couple years now (that's military funeral honors if you don't know) and have seen a lot of MIND BLOWING stuff.
Today I was called for an honorable transport...
...basically 2 of us crawl I to the belly of the plan and slide the casket to the conveyor belt where it is lowered down to a 6 man team of bearers and to the hurst...

What was funky today was that the Joe that died was only in for 8 months. That's basic + advanced individual school and a couple months. WHERE HE THEN WENT UA OVER A LONG WEEKEND, GOT DRUNK, FLED FROM THE TX POLICE, AND FINALLY WRAPPED HIS CAR AROUND A TREE!

Sorry! But that's not honorable! That's stuPID!

05-23-2013, 10:26 PM
Thank you for doing the dignified transfers... I have done them before and it is a very somber experience that is for sure... I def don't think this guy should have gotten the same honorable treatment as those who have given their all and paid the ultimate price doing what they love, and defending the country they love!!