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05-14-2013, 11:28 PM
Where is it staying guys¡!!!!
More XJ talk less other podcast's. promised by the end of the day , ya got 1/2 hr. i need the podcast!

05-14-2013, 11:29 PM
Who is with me?

XJ Wheeler
05-15-2013, 12:21 AM
I think they have been having a few "technical difficulties". During the live show nobody (that i know of) could get access to see/hear it, said it was offline. And on Facebook it was posted that it would be late. Can't wait to hear it too. But these things happen, especially when the web is involved. :D

05-15-2013, 01:04 AM
Well I think we missed your 30 minute window but the show is up!

I was trying to upload the new show to our service provider last night and it just stopped working. The rest of the Internet seemed fine. Finally it started working and getting up at 6:45am well I really need to get at least 4 hours sleep. ;)

And no the new show didn't get done first because it's new, it's because that's the easiest one to mix.

Anyway enjoy and really sorry about the delays!

05-15-2013, 01:19 AM
Who is with me?

I hear ya man, I'm patiently waiting too.
I don't know how these guys find the time for work, family, jeep fixin' and then put on a quality show. ( I have a hard time just getting the grass cut)
I imagine "Tony and Josh" is a front for a giant coperation. and somewhere there is a sweatshop full of orphan kids producing a podcast.

To quote from my fav movie. "you rush a miracle you get a lousy miracle"
Take all the time you need guys.

05-15-2013, 01:23 AM
Sweet.. in the 28 minutes it took me to spell check my last post you got the podcast up. ... Thanks

05-15-2013, 09:36 AM
"28 minutes to spellcheck"

rofl!!! Nice to see how much you care about language quality :D As the husband of a school teacher... I hear about it aaaalllllllll the time :)

05-15-2013, 10:30 AM
I don't know how these guys find the time for work, family, jeep fixin' and then put on a quality show. ( I have a hard time just getting the grass cut)
I imagine "Tony and Josh" is a front for a giant cooperation. and somewhere there is a sweatshop full of orphan kids producing a podcast.

:DSeriously one of the best quotes I have had the pleasure of reading to date....that is AWESOME!
(thanks for that BTW)

05-15-2013, 10:40 AM
I hear ya man, I'm patiently waiting too.
I don't know how these guys find the time for work, family, jeep fixin' and then put on a quality show. ( I have a hard time just getting the grass cut)
I imagine "Tony and Josh" is a front for a giant coperation. and somewhere there is a sweatshop full of orphan kids producing a podcast.

To quote from my fav movie. "you rush a miracle you get a lousy miracle"
Take all the time you need guys.

I really appreciate the thought but the fact is I, we, ask you guys to be consumers of our product and then when we can't get the product out to you when you expect it is a failure. It can be an understandable one but you do have the right to expect it when you do because we've asked you to.

Bottom line is I want to thank you for listening to the show, regularly and I'll do everything I can to make sure this doesn't happen again.

05-15-2013, 01:17 PM
Were you guys able to figure out why the live stream wouldn't show up? I tried getting into it for about an hour and it kept showing as "Offline". Would love to join the live show sometime!

05-15-2013, 01:27 PM
Were you guys able to figure out why the live stream wouldn't show up? I tried getting into it for about an hour and it kept showing as "Offline". Would love to join the live show sometime!

Something funky happened with the Internet about the time we were starting the show. Once I got Josh back on Skype everything looked normal. Even Ustream showed we were broadcasting, maybe we weren't but I have no way of knowing it.

We could have stopped and restarted the stream but again, I didn't know it was down. I don't pay much attention to the chat room since I'm busy talking pressing buttons and reading stuff.

I'll say this I think this doesn't happen very often and thanks for watching.

05-15-2013, 01:38 PM
Were you guys able to figure out why the live stream wouldn't show up? I tried getting into it for about an hour and it kept showing as "Offline". Would love to join the live show sometime!

Sometimes there are unforeseen technical issues that arise,
Tony and I both have a lot of sensitive equipment in place (more-so with Tony than with myself) that can sometimes be a little temperamental....
We try to have redundancies in place, to fall back on when the worst happens,
.....but even with all that, what happens with the "intrawebs" is often times out of our control......
Try again next week, It "SHOULD" be issue free.....
(and thanks for listening!)

05-16-2013, 12:07 AM
Thanks for getting the podcast up.

05-16-2013, 10:11 AM
I know there's a "Getting It Up" joke in here somewhere.......

05-16-2013, 11:12 AM
Is there viagra for podcasts?

05-16-2013, 12:09 PM
I know there's a "Getting It Up" joke in here somewhere.......

You know me too well lol :rolleyes:

Is there viagra for podcasts?

Yep, it's called an amplifier :p But if the podcast last for more than 4 hours, turn your radio off and consult your television :D

05-16-2013, 01:41 PM
Dry jokes. Ha ha ha
What did the fish say when it hit the brick wall?

05-16-2013, 02:56 PM
Oooh oooo. Damm!

05-16-2013, 11:56 PM
You have heard that one before LOL