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View Full Version : Non Jeep related Advice/Help

02-13-2013, 03:33 PM
I thought that perhaps a section where members could "advertise" any non Jeep related knowledge they may have and where members looking for help could go to see if someone knows something about what they are needing help with. I realize this is similar to the General talk section and perhaps could just be a sub-forum of general talk.

This came to me today.... as recently I had a computer problem and in the past when I have had a computer problem, I don't go to computer forums..... I went to a Chevy truck forum. Why you say? Because I have been on that forum for many years and know that besides Chevy trucks those guys know about other things as well and I trust what most of them have to say. Besides I am already a member there...where as I would have to create a new log in and password for every new forum I would join because I had a/one question.

I for example could offer knowledge/assistance in Genealogy/Family History, Auto Extended Warranties, and Military.

What knowledge could other members contribute? Computer tech, gun tech, Photography, home repairs, non auto electrical, welding, small engine repair, gardening, guitars.... who knows until you ask for it or it's offered.

I remember a member had previously posted some good "inside" info on dealing with a bill collector because they were in that industry. But if you weren't here at that time and saw that message you wouldn't know that info was available.

We all come from different back grounds with different knowledge so why not make this knowledge available to all the members on this great site. It just needs a place to be so it doesn't get lost in the BS of the General Talk section.

Wow... sorry turned out longer than expected. I guess I have pleaded my case and will leave it up to the jury of my peers. lol

and there will be no hard feelings if this is deemed not necessary, it was just and idea I wanted to share for the good of the site.

XJ Wheeler
02-13-2013, 05:34 PM
I think we kinda already have one, "Strange yet Wonderful Tech" seems like it would fit the bill for most of your examples.

02-13-2013, 05:42 PM
I think we kinda already have one, "Strange yet Wonderful Tech" seems like it would fit the bill for most of your examples.

I didn't really think of it since I don't consider help with Family History, Warranties, Military, etc to be "tech", but I suppose you are right and besides we do seem to have a lot of "sections".

XJ Wheeler
02-13-2013, 05:51 PM
I didn't really think of it since I don't consider help with Family History, Warranties, Military, etc to be "tech", but I suppose you are right and besides we do seem to have a lot of "sections".

I don't either but probably would just put it there anyways if it were me. Maybe a "Daily Life" section? Just a thought.