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View Full Version : Question about leaks under the jeep 01 xj?

12-29-2012, 05:24 PM
As my jeep gets older and older. 184k now I seem to worry a bit more.

I had the oil filter adapter seal replaced and that sure did fix a some oil running down and back but....... I have more leaks.

When I mean a two drips per day. I which I placed some cardboard under the engine and rear axle.

I am posting pictures below. It's just a tiny bit, enough to make the area damp and a drip maybe once a day or twice a day. I don't notice any real loss of fluids or anything.But I'm anal and I worry, that's what good fathers do!! But I have an 11 year old who is taking an interest in my jeep and he checks for leaks because he doesn't want me to get rid of the jeep. I think we all know why he cares. I drove through a car lot looking and talking with a car dealer friend of mine and three times he wanted to hear me say that I am not getting rid of it. Jesus boy!! Spoiled kid.

12-29-2012, 07:10 PM
Looks like you need to replace that pinion seal. Not a hard job

12-29-2012, 07:23 PM
The green one in the back on the reR END IS THE PINION? right?

12-29-2012, 09:17 PM
yep going in to diff.......drop drive shaft rattle gun for the nut swap seal ....

12-29-2012, 09:35 PM
I just watched a youtube video on how to replace the pinion. How much to have this done at a mechanic? Also any real panic to get this done? Can I drive ass is for another 50K.


12-29-2012, 10:12 PM
You should attend to it soon. Should be an hour labor at most, whatever they charge for it and the price of the seal

12-29-2012, 10:40 PM
Well I'm sure I have 10K on it so far. Hmmm any idea as to how much it costs. I guess I could do it myself. IT didn't look that hard. I could borrow a few tools from autozone and buy the air compression socket remover.Unless you think i can do it with just a socket set. It looked simple.

12-29-2012, 11:00 PM
Sorry, 184K on that seal but 10K since it started leaking.

12-29-2012, 11:01 PM
try the socket ....ya have to torque up nut again i think....i change oil leaks asap...oil gets out water can get in.....

12-30-2012, 06:53 AM
Ok I will get on it.