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11-28-2012, 06:54 PM
I feel a little awkward about asking for your prayers, but I think that is part of God's way. You have to admit you need help and say so in front of others.

I found out today that all the contractors at HP that were going to be forced to take off the last two weeks in December are now being forced to take six weeks off.

Later I found that even after that six week furlough there is no guarantee that will be brought back.

God has been very good to me and my family, and for the last four years I have feared that this would happen, and just at the time that I didn't think it could, it has.

It's not completely bad news, because there is hope that our HP manager will be able to work it out with upper management that we don't have to wait the six weeks.

I have to consider that the worse case is I'm out of a job.

I know that there are many people out there unemployed, and others battling illness, missing limbs, loved ones passing away, so I do feel a little silly asking for prayers for something so insignificant as a job.

If you could though one in the list for me and my family I sure would appreciate it.


11-28-2012, 07:16 PM
Sure Tony, consider it done

11-28-2012, 07:28 PM
Ya got my thoughts and prayers Bossman.

Sent from my bulletproof iPhone using the Flapmyjaws app :)

11-28-2012, 07:46 PM
Tony, don't feel silly for asking for prayers about a job. Trust me... we've all been there. It's not fun at all. I know that if it were one of us saying that we feel silly, you'd be popping in here saying that all requests are welcome no matter what. I'll be saying a few prayers for ya for sure. We are your extended family whether you like it or not :D

XJ Wheeler
11-28-2012, 09:20 PM
Tony, no need for embarrassment. You know I've ask a plenty from you fellas. Prayers are one thing that should never be looked upon as unnecessary, no matter how big or small the dilemma. It goes without saying my family will have you and yours in mind and in prayer. There's a plan, don't worry.

11-28-2012, 09:44 PM
Tony, consider it done!!

11-28-2012, 09:48 PM
come on down,,,always looking for new workers....what ya like at laying concrete.....tis good on ya hands......

11-29-2012, 06:37 AM
you got it. As you know I just went through that. But as I look at it when one door closes one will open

11-29-2012, 08:54 AM
you got it. As you know I just went through that. But as I look at it when one door closes one will open

Yeah I just wish I was better at finding a job. Getting and keeping for a long time I have down.

11-30-2012, 11:15 PM
So after a couple of days things seem to be better and worse.

I was hopeful that the manager at the company I contract for would be able to explain to the folks upstairs why doing this would be a bad thing. I believe the 6 contractors in our group are about 40% of the work force. Not having us there for 6 weeks is going to hurt.

Yesterday I found out that the manager knew about it before Thanksgiving and had been working on it long before we learned of it. So it seems we are stuck at being "off" without pay for 6 weeks.

I have heard more positive news about returning to work. I originally heard that it would be re-evaluated on Jan 15th if we would return on Feb 1st or if it would be longer.

I guess it is good news that the contract wasn't just canceled. I'm pretty sure they have a 30 day "out", so they could have just said bye bye to us.

The only problem now is if they did this to us once, will they do it again? Can't plan financially like this.

11-30-2012, 11:36 PM
Look at it this way, you will not be permanently out of work. It hurts, but you can survive. Been praying for you

12-01-2012, 12:09 AM
Already put in a good word for ya Tony. Just remember that God uses things like this for good. It may not always seem so at the time but you'll look back at the outcome some time down the road and really be amazed at how he works in our lives. Trust in him to do what is best for you and your family and he will make it so.

12-01-2012, 03:33 AM
Already put in a good word for ya Tony. Just remember that God uses things like this for good. It may not always seem so at the time but you'll look back at the outcome some time down the road and really be amazed at how he works in our lives. Trust in him to do what is best for you and your family and he will make it so.

I know this, I just wish he'd pull me to the side and give me a heads up! :bang: :D

12-01-2012, 09:40 AM
He works in mysterious ways. You don't know your future but He does, and will not let you down without having a plan for you. (if deserving) and you don't need to know or worry.

12-02-2012, 12:11 AM
I know this, I just wish he'd pull me to the side and give me a heads up! :bang: :D

I hear you on that one. That's one of the hardest parts of faith

12-02-2012, 10:04 AM

You may have seen it on my rant in the forum, but I had a long-running IT job I lost in '08 because a new CIO came on board and flushed all the middle management to bring her "favorites" from another company that was laying off.

I was devastated, always had great reviews, mentored my team, great performance metrics, etc...but I was laid off....the only warning I got was when my "director" of two weeks came to my desk that morning. I am happy to say that I cut the HR person off with a cold "lets skip the crap and tell me what I need to do for my check", and I exited the building before they returned to escort me, flipping my badge and parking pass to the security guard as I shook his hand for the final time. They walked 25 people out that day, some were almost pushed out. Several people showed up for work over the next few days, unable to grasp their jobs were gone after 15+ years. The former 100+ IT department was gutted.

I did finally get another IT job, over in the sandbox, only saw a desk when I was leaving for R&R, learned a lot about life and myself, and finally got to work stateside again.

You can't plan for everything, and most of the decisions made by those "above our pay grade" don't make sense at times.

I learned one serious lesson during this whole mess of having my "planned little world" torn apart, then having to rebuild it. Pray, plan and prepare. Anything like that helps, and helps your state of mind, and most of us guys feel better when we are DOING something to prepare for an unknown.

Pay off debt, build a cash emergency fund, stock up on food and water (as space allows), tweak your resume, contact headhunters, etc. Its a better way to expend that energy than worrying (which you will do anyway).
For example, I am reassured that if I lost my job today, we could still eat for months without buying a thing...which means money for power, fuel, mortgage...paying the mortgage and debt down (and off) means the money I have goes for necessities. Keeping the vehicles maintained means they will run when I need them. Do these things even if everything works out, so its done.

Thinking of you, and sending prayers...been there, done that, its not fun.

12-02-2012, 11:47 AM

You may have seen it on my rant in the forum, but I had a long-running IT job I lost in '08 because a new CIO came on board and flushed all the middle management to bring her "favorites" from another company that was laying off.

I was devastated, always had great reviews, mentored my team, great performance metrics, etc...but I was laid off....the only warning I got was when my "director" of two weeks came to my desk that morning. I am happy to say that I cut the HR person off with a cold "lets skip the crap and tell me what I need to do for my check", and I exited the building before they returned to escort me, flipping my badge and parking pass to the security guard as I shook his hand for the final time. They walked 25 people out that day, some were almost pushed out. Several people showed up for work over the next few days, unable to grasp their jobs were gone after 15+ years. The former 100+ IT department was gutted.

I did finally get another IT job, over in the sandbox, only saw a desk when I was leaving for R&R, learned a lot about life and myself, and finally got to work stateside again.

You can't plan for everything, and most of the decisions made by those "above our pay grade" don't make sense at times.

I learned one serious lesson during this whole mess of having my "planned little world" torn apart, then having to rebuild it. Pray, plan and prepare. Anything like that helps, and helps your state of mind, and most of us guys feel better when we are DOING something to prepare for an unknown.

Pay off debt, build a cash emergency fund, stock up on food and water (as space allows), tweak your resume, contact headhunters, etc. Its a better way to expend that energy than worrying (which you will do anyway).
For example, I am reassured that if I lost my job today, we could still eat for months without buying a thing...which means money for power, fuel, mortgage...paying the mortgage and debt down (and off) means the money I have goes for necessities. Keeping the vehicles maintained means they will run when I need them. Do these things even if everything works out, so its done.

Thinking of you, and sending prayers...been there, done that, its not fun.

Thank you for your words. We are okay for the next several months. Of course the fear plays into but what if it's longer than that? It's the never ending "what if" game. Hard to get out of once you're in it.

The "facts" of this is it is a furlough for 6 weeks, not a layoff. I heard from my contracted company manager that 6 weeks wasn't for sure. In a meeting on Thursday, his boss said it was temporary and it was 6 weeks. Even my contractor boss was happy to hear about that.

I'm going to stick with that and stay away from the obvious what if's. That is what I know all the rest is best guess.

12-02-2012, 12:03 PM
I'll mention this, I thought it was pretty funny, especially since it happened after I posted "but why can't God pull me to the side and tell me what's going to happen"?, or something to that effect.

I hit the bed pretty late that night. My wife uses the TV like a night light with sound. So it was on, and I know to leave it on. ;)

There was a infomercial on and I was just to tired to find the remote and change it to something else. I do know how to turn down the volume with the little buttons on the TV though.

After turning the TV down, still barely hear it, and arranging myself in the bed, I lay there waiting to drift off to sleep. I could hear the TV they were talking about a product I had never heard or seen on the TV before. Now I don't watch a lot of infomercials, or even commercials for that matter so this might be more common than I think.

I was, however, surprised at the apparent timing of my concern, my wish, the channel the tv was on, my time selected to go to bed, etc...

It was an infomercial about a CD that helps you not worry about things in your life. I don't remember the company, I don't remember anything specific, other than that. I had to raise my head and look at the TV. I only watched a few seconds, assured that it was real.

I have to chuckle about things like this as this isn't the first time something like this has happened to me, and I suspect to you.

Yeah I know the logic behind this but I still found it funny, wish made, wish granted.

12-02-2012, 03:04 PM
I have hit many situations like that in my life, where in the midst of some crisis, something whacks me on the noggin hard enough to remind me to simply do the best I can, and plow on through, and find the help that I need, in one form or another.

Like the story about the man in the flood that turned the rescue boat away three times, then asked "Why did I not get saved?" when when he got to Heaven, you have to keep your eyes open for the help/opportunity that may be right in front of you.

12-02-2012, 05:05 PM
It is truly amazing how stuff like that happens. There was a time about 7 years ago when something truly horrible was possibly going to happen. I was at work and just worrying like nobody's business and all of a sudden a song where in the main chorus the line "Everything is gonna be alright" came on. I hadn't noticed the music playing before that particular line played.

12-02-2012, 06:49 PM
It is truly amazing how stuff like that happens. There was a time about 7 years ago when something truly horrible was possibly going to happen. I was at work and just worrying like nobody's business and all of a sudden a song where in the main chorus the line "Everything is gonna be alright" came on. I hadn't noticed the music playing before that particular line played.

Yeah I wonder if anyone gets in trouble when they do that. :D

12-02-2012, 08:53 PM
Yeah I wonder if anyone gets in trouble when they do that. :D

Lol, you mean somebody ”up there” get in trouble?

12-04-2012, 02:48 AM
Lol, you mean somebody ”up there” get in trouble?

Exactly! :D

I'll add something to all. I want to express my sincere thanks to all of you and well just everyone that visits the site, watches our youtube videos and listens to the podcast. I was reminded that the worse part of losing a job, even temporarily is that it is a kind of rejection. It's a break in a relationship. I believe this is where my depression stems. Well I got over that depression pretty quick because I know that my relationship with you guys is better and more meaningful than any employer. I know sounds kind of gushy, but really I think that's what we all want. Acceptance, a laugh when we tell a joke, or that pat on the back. Something that tells you that you're making a difference in someone's life.

XJ Wheeler
12-04-2012, 04:51 AM
Exactly! :D

I'll add something to all. I want to express my sincere thanks to all of you and well just everyone that visits the site, watches our youtube videos and listens to the podcast. I was reminded that the worse part of losing a job, even temporarily is that it is a kind of rejection. It's a break in a relationship. I believe this is where my depression stems. Well I got over that depression pretty quick because I know that my relationship with you guys is better and more meaningful than any employer. I know sounds kind of gushy, but really I think that's what we all want. Acceptance, a laugh when we tell a joke, or that pat on the back. Something that tells you that you're making a difference in someone's life.

Like that little "thanks" button right over there~~~~~~~~~~~>

Oh yeah, you're on the x with that one. Acceptance is probably a bigger part of everyone's lives than they realize. Maybe a child doesn't get enough acceptance from their parents, no big deal, right? Wrong. Just something little like that can have a ripple effect in someone's mood/attitude. If it continues that person feels like an outcast, and doesn't feel they fit in with others. You see how this can snowball.

But, at least everyone on here can and should know they will be accepted. Take me for example. I first came on here after being on other forums (and somewhat fed up with said forums) to find i was so greatly accepted that i stayed. Now, i probably shouldn't be proud of this but, Xjtalk is where nearly all of my time online is spent.

Wow, just realized i am rambling.

12-04-2012, 07:29 AM
Exactly! :D

I'll add something to all. I want to express my sincere thanks to all of you and well just everyone that visits the site, watches our youtube videos and listens to the podcast. I was reminded that the worse part of losing a job, even temporarily is that it is a kind of rejection. It's a break in a relationship. I believe this is where my depression stems. Well I got over that depression pretty quick because I know that my relationship with you guys is better and more meaningful than any employer. I know sounds kind of gushy, but really I think that's what we all want. Acceptance, a laugh when we tell a joke, or that pat on the back. Something that tells you that you're making a difference in someone's life.

I know what you mean, buddy. I moved to Houston 5 years ago in a job where I work around people, but I work on my own. most of those people are car salesman and some are good acquaintances, but not friends. Most of my small group of friends from back home never matured after age 15 or so. Needless to say, there are several members on here that I consider much closer friends than anybody else around me. You hit the nail on the head with this forum, Tony. You really did.

12-04-2012, 08:13 AM
Like that little "thanks" button right over there~~~~~~~~~~~>

Oh yeah, you're on the x with that one. Acceptance is probably a bigger part of everyone's lives than they realize. Maybe a child doesn't get enough acceptance from their parents, no big deal, right? Wrong. Just something little like that can have a ripple effect in someone's mood/attitude. If it continues that person feels like an outcast, and doesn't feel they fit in with others. You see how this can snowball.

But, at least everyone on here can and should know they will be accepted. Take me for example. I first came on here after being on other forums (and somewhat fed up with said forums) to find i was so greatly accepted that i stayed. Now, i probably shouldn't be proud of this but, Xjtalk is where nearly all of my time online is spent.

Wow, just realized i am rambling.

I know what you mean, buddy. I moved to Houston 5 years ago in a job where I work around people, but I work on my own. most of those people are car salesman and some are good acquaintances, but not friends. Most of my small group of friends from back home never matured after age 15 or so. Needless to say, there are several members on here that I consider much closer friends than anybody else around me. You hit the nail on the head with this forum, Tony. You really did.

Thanks guys. Even though I drive my wife up the wall with "it's not easy being right all the time..." It really does feel good to do something right for a change. ;)

12-07-2012, 12:09 AM
We had a group outing today. The whole team before next Wednesday when the seven of us go on furlough. There was about 20 people there total. BJ's. I recommend the fish and chips.

They were able to get upper management to agree to allowing three labtechs to stay. I know through talking with some of the guys, that two of the engineers will be playing "labtechs" during the 6 weeks.

We were able to leave from the outing and go home early. On the way home I got a call from the company I work for, the company with the contract.

They told me that instead of us being on furlough for the six weeks we would be terminated on the 13th, and reinstated (re-hired basically) on Feb 1st, if that turned out to be the return date.

Everyone says the same thing, that this is temporary. I was told, without asking, that I was on the list of people they wanted back. So really nothing has changed, except I will technically be unemployed next Thursday.

Even though this wasn't in my hands it still feels like I failed. Failed in not seeing this coming, not planning properly. Failed in trusting a company. Logically I know there isn't a lot we can do, just do our best and learn from our mistakes.

I am lucky that I do have some money that will get us through these six weeks. So my concern is really just how long this unemployment will go on. When I started my professional career I worked a good solid five years, then I was out of work for 9 months.

After that I vowed not to go through that nightmare again, and worked hard to become very important to the company that I was working for. Sixteen years later they decided they didn't need me any longer. That time I was out of work for eleven months. Since then I have been under paid and under employed. After three years with this company I had started believing that I could trust a company again, then this happens.

So what I'm dealing with here is a bunch of positives, temp, commitment to re-hire, just no firm date. All in all much more positive than how it feels. What I'm dealing with is the fear that it will be another long wait to begin work again.

Now one positive thing that happened today, besides those fish and chips, was a co-worker that I don't really work with, but he has a cube near mine, came to me and told me to contact someone inside the company. Not my company but the company we contract with. They have a hot job they are trying to fill and he spoke to this guy he's work with there for 20 years.

I e-mailed my resume to him and he forwarded to the hiring manager. I did this before leaving for lunch, the company outing. I came back a little after 2pm to pick up my stuff and go home early for the day. I already had received an e-mail from the hiring manager at my personal e-mail address. He wants to see me next Tuesday.

So I guess that's what life is. It's a series of unknowns. If we knew everything that was going to happen we probably wouldn't get out of bed each and every day. Not necessarily because what we "saw" was bad, it was just not that exciting, you know, knowing what was to come next.

Prayers do work and I'm a very lucky person, I just lack the maturity to stay completely calm as this part of the story that is my life unfolds.

12-07-2012, 07:52 AM
Wow, that's a lot to take in. It's not maturity you lack, it's responsibilities you HAVE. Let me explain what I mean... If you didn't have responsibilities such as your home, food, vehicles, bills, and most importantly family, you would be calm. If you were a 16 year old kid with zero responsibilities, you could be calm knowing that whatever happens wouldn't affect those things. I don't know if this helps, but I don't want you to be down on yourself for worrying. There are admirable reasons for your worry.

My father worked for SABRE for many, many years as a Field Service Technician in the IT/Networking field. He moved up to instructor, training people. When I was a sophomore in highschool, a company called EDS bought his branch/company and laid him off. He was given 90 days to find another job and luckily he found another one inside the same company. About 6 months later, that position was eliminated and he was laid off again... this time for 2 years. He took several jobs that didn't pay peanuts and we all scraped by on credit cards and loans from grandma. I remember two Christmases where my gifts were a random assortment of wrenches that he got for 50 cents at an estate sale, even though I told him I didn't want anything other than family. Just over 10 years later he has been with his new company and just paid off all his credit card debts.

I worked for CDM Data/A Kelley Blue Book company for 5 years from age 20 to 25. I rose to the top of my potential and had more job security than I could hope for. I frequently played golf with my boss and his boss, etc. The only problem was that they wanted to move me further up the chain, but there wasn't budget or room to do so. That job was all I knew since before I got married. 2 years ago, I was approached by the dealer group that was our biggest account and they told me that they wanted to go in-house and they wanted me to head up the department, define the position, train everybody then run the whole thing for the whole south Texas market. Scary, man. Before I was married, had a mortgage, had bills, and all my other responsibilities I would've jumped at the chance no questions asked. This was a huge corporation and turnover rate at dealerships are staggering. This was all about 3 months before my wife was going to quit her job and go through an unpaid teaching internship. I was racked with worry. My wife and I finally decided to go for it. The pay was right, the advancement opportunities were there, but I loved my old company. I've now been with my current company for 2 years and let me tell you... we wouldn't have been able to go a year on my check alone if it wasn't for this job. So far, everything is wonderful and I can only pray that it stays like that.

The moral of this story is that it's ok to worry. There's nothing you can do about that. I believe that most, if not all things happen for a reason, and if you put trust in the Lord, things will work out. For example... if all this hadn't happened, you wouldn't have known about that hot job within the company. If you get it, which for some reason I have a feeling you will, the reason for all this terminated/rehired stuff was worth it.

Keep the faith, Tony. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Everybody on this forum will always be there for you.

12-07-2012, 10:02 AM
Wow, that's a lot to take in. It's not maturity you lack, it's responsibilities you HAVE. Let me explain what I mean... If you didn't have responsibilities such as your home, food, vehicles, bills, and most importantly family, you would be calm. If you were a 16 year old kid with zero responsibilities, you could be calm knowing that whatever happens wouldn't affect those things. I don't know if this helps, but I don't want you to be down on yourself for worrying. There are admirable reasons for your worry.

My father worked for SABRE for many, many years as a Field Service Technician in the IT/Networking field. He moved up to instructor, training people. When I was a sophomore in highschool, a company called EDS bought his branch/company and laid him off. He was given 90 days to find another job and luckily he found another one inside the same company. About 6 months later, that position was eliminated and he was laid off again... this time for 2 years. He took several jobs that didn't pay peanuts and we all scraped by on credit cards and loans from grandma. I remember two Christmases where my gifts were a random assortment of wrenches that he got for 50 cents at an estate sale, even though I told him I didn't want anything other than family. Just over 10 years later he has been with his new company and just paid off all his credit card debts.

I worked for CDM Data/A Kelley Blue Book company for 5 years from age 20 to 25. I rose to the top of my potential and had more job security than I could hope for. I frequently played golf with my boss and his boss, etc. The only problem was that they wanted to move me further up the chain, but there wasn't budget or room to do so. That job was all I knew since before I got married. 2 years ago, I was approached by the dealer group that was our biggest account and they told me that they wanted to go in-house and they wanted me to head up the department, define the position, train everybody then run the whole thing for the whole south Texas market. Scary, man. Before I was married, had a mortgage, had bills, and all my other responsibilities I would've jumped at the chance no questions asked. This was a huge corporation and turnover rate at dealerships are staggering. This was all about 3 months before my wife was going to quit her job and go through an unpaid teaching internship. I was racked with worry. My wife and I finally decided to go for it. The pay was right, the advancement opportunities were there, but I loved my old company. I've now been with my current company for 2 years and let me tell you... we wouldn't have been able to go a year on my check alone if it wasn't for this job. So far, everything is wonderful and I can only pray that it stays like that.

The moral of this story is that it's ok to worry. There's nothing you can do about that. I believe that most, if not all things happen for a reason, and if you put trust in the Lord, things will work out. For example... if all this hadn't happened, you wouldn't have known about that hot job within the company. If you get it, which for some reason I have a feeling you will, the reason for all this terminated/rehired stuff was worth it.

Keep the faith, Tony. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. Everybody on this forum will always be there for you.

Thanks for the reply, it helps.

12-07-2012, 10:13 AM
After reading all this all I can say is,hold on to the promises. God has promised us many things , all for our benefit. He will live up to all of them as long as you trust in him.One of my favorite versus is ,"In the world there will be trials and tribulation but have no fear , I have overcome the world".Followed closely by," I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength". Hang in there Muddy with a little faith and perseverance it will all work out to the best of your benefit as long as you submit to his will.

12-07-2012, 10:16 AM
When one door closes, another opens. Good luck with your position and your search. Sounds like doors are already opening. Good on ya

12-07-2012, 10:34 AM
After reading all this all I can say is,hold on to the promises. God has promised us many things , all for our benefit. He will live up to all of them as long as you trust in him.One of my favorite versus is ,"In the world there will be trials and tribulation but have no fear , I have overcome the world".Followed closely by," I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength". Hang in there Muddy with a little faith and perseverance it will all work out to the best of your benefit as long as you submit to his will.

John 16:33.... That is def a great verse and holds well in relation to your situation Tony...as well as my current one... don't mean to thread jack Tony.... but wanted to thank Mark for that insight as it has given me some renewed clarity and ease of mind in my current situation as I hope it will yours Tony... Prayers are going out for you Tony.

12-07-2012, 10:57 AM
John 16:33.... That is def a great verse and holds well in relation to your situation Tony...as well as my current one... don't mean to thread jack Tony.... but wanted to thank Mark for that insight as it has given me some renewed clarity and ease of mind in my current situation as I hope it will yours Tony... Prayers are going out for you Tony.

And to you my friend. There are two things worse than job problems, and one is health problems, the other is family problems. I am very thankful that my decision to be with the girl and am with now was a great decision, because the first one was a horrible decision.

I'll share this with you. My family life is solid. I just had to stick it out, learn from my mistakes, and make much better choices. So hang in there and I bet you're family life will turn out the same way.

XJ Wheeler
12-07-2012, 02:20 PM
If either of you needs/wants to vent, talk, or just some reassurance my pm box has an open door policy. You guys have helped me so much, i don't mind helping you.

12-07-2012, 04:19 PM
Well you never know what the next day will hold, and perhaps it's good we are reminded of this from time to time.

One of the three people that were asked to stay on has declined so I was contacted and requested to stay. In a diminished role for the six weeks, then return in my former role.

The nice thing is my title and salary stay the same inside the company that I work directly for.

My heart still goes out to the other four team members that will have to wait, hope and pray that it is only six weeks.

I suppose if I was a bigger man I would have also declined the offer so one of them could have taken the position.

So the prayers worked! At least for now.

It will be a good weekend.

12-07-2012, 04:30 PM
good news

12-07-2012, 04:59 PM
Good news Tony

12-07-2012, 06:08 PM
Great to hear Tony

Sent from my bulletproof iPhone using the Flapmyjaws app :)

XJ Wheeler
12-07-2012, 07:00 PM

02-20-2013, 02:46 PM
Here's an update, I know it's never good news...

So the furlough was extended. No change in position or pay from the company I work for but they are only able to bill us as lab techs.

Today the principle company management was interviewing a lab tech. I figured this was the beginning of the end for us contracted engineers.

Get some lab techs in here and let the high paid lab techs go. Not from the other companies point of view but from the company that I work for simply because of pay and I'm sure they are aware we are looking for other jobs, if nothing else because of this instability.

Well the good news is that principle company is bringing in two new lab techs. As the lab techs start one of us engineers will go back to that job, and of course our company will be able to bill us as engineers again. The bad news is there is 3 engineers and only 2 slots.

Since I was passed up the first time I fear I will be the engineer not asked to stay. I really don't know that for sure of course. Also the reasoning could have been that I was the highest paid and when the company was faced with having to bill at lab tech rates, it just made since to let the engineer go who's dollar delta was the greatest.

I figure I'll know something in the next 10 days. It sucks to have to be worried about such things, but at least I have my health, as well as the rest of my family.

I really would just rather answer YES when a perspective employer asks, "Are you currently employed?"

XJ Wheeler
02-20-2013, 03:14 PM
Thanks for the update. I know its hard to do but no need to worry. That only takes up good time for a useless reason. There's a plan for everyone. ;)

02-20-2013, 03:19 PM
Thanks for the update. I know its hard to do but no need to worry. That only takes up good time for a useless reason. There's a plan for everyone. ;)

Yep generally I don't worry. I have two weaknesses. Something wrong with the vehicle and being unemployed. I need to start a business like I started a website. I feel much better when I have more control, not control mind you as I don't think any of us ever do, but more control certainly. At least more than one customer, like you have when you work for a company.

XJ Wheeler
02-20-2013, 04:52 PM
Yep generally I don't worry. I have two weaknesses. Something wrong with the vehicle and being unemployed. I need to start a business like I started a website. I feel much better when I have more control, not control mind you as I don't think any of us ever do, but more control certainly. At least more than one customer, like you have when you work for a company.

For sure, but if you think about even if you own the company, yes you can control if you get fired, of course. But the customers control if you make money. So, you still don't have the control. :crazy:

02-20-2013, 10:28 PM
I know it's real tough, Tony. I'll keep you in my prayers.

I've always wanted to be my own boss, but I'm lazy and I don't think I'd like having to figure out my taxes at that point :D

02-20-2013, 11:04 PM
For sure, but if you think about even if you own the company, yes you can control if you get fired, of course. But the customers control if you make money. So, you still don't have the control. :crazy:

Well I may be wrong, but when you work for a company you have in effect ONE customer. If they don't want to buy from you it sucks! Now if you have 10 customers and one doesn't like you hopefully the 9 others will like you long enough for you to replace that one.

I know business ownership has it's on set of issues... but that lottery plan I had just hasn't worked out...

XJ Wheeler
02-21-2013, 12:40 AM
Never thought of it like that. :)

02-21-2013, 11:33 AM
Little update. So the good news is the company is increasing head count. They are moving two of the three engineers back into those rolls. Bad news is I'm not one of them. The plan is to get authorization for a third engineer and at that time I'll move back into my original role.

The concern I have is I've been here the longest, have the most overall experience, but I was not chosen to move back now. I've never been told I had done anything but a good job, so I am puzzled and concerned.

Realistically though the major concern of being out of a job is gone. Of course you never know but at least it's a bit more stable.

02-21-2013, 12:17 PM
I'm glad it's more stable at least. For some reason, I think there will be either the same position or one better for you. Keep up the faith!

02-22-2013, 12:42 PM
I've done a couple of posts about this subject. If interested, check it out, http://tonymuckleroy.com/

02-26-2013, 12:15 PM
Things are calming down here a bit. The major company seems to be doing well, stocks are up. They are bringing back the furloughed positions, hopefully all of them shortly. This is good since I've been having a hard time finding something else.

It's always good to have more time to find the right job. Too bad, the job I have is really nice, and a great group of guys, but short of being hired on to the company it's just a matter of time before they do the furlough thing again when they need a good quarter.

Oh don't get me wrong, they could call me any day and say we're dropping your salary, or we no longer need you. I won't feel comfortable until I'm officially back to my old position in the host company.

03-06-2013, 11:14 AM
When it comes to fear all I can add is FEAR stands for "False Evidence Apperaing Real" since I heard this Fear no longer plays a role in my world, not to mention that if you allow God to be in control and handle things you'll be fine. Glad things are better for ya , but Prayer never hurts , so I mention ya from time to time if ya don't mind.

03-06-2013, 11:20 AM
Things are good, and even if they show up today to walk me out of the building I have this site and the podcast. I've learned the hard way not to put all my eggs in one basket. Now neither this site, or the podcast would do ANYTHING to pay my bills, but as we all know a man links his worth with his work. So at least I'll have work even if it stops here.

03-06-2013, 11:43 AM
Little update. So the good news is the company is increasing head count. They are moving two of the three engineers back into those rolls. Bad news is I'm not one of them. The plan is to get authorization for a third engineer and at that time I'll move back into my original role.

The concern I have is I've been here the longest, have the most overall experience, but I was not chosen to move back now. I've never been told I had done anything but a good job, so I am puzzled and concerned.

Realistically though the major concern of being out of a job is gone. Of course you never know but at least it's a bit more stable.

Welcome to " At will employee". Let me start off by saying not all unions are good and do what their intended purpose is far. But this is why I got into the union to start with. most companies today look at employees as numbers instead of the people that have given their time to make it a better company.
Props to you tony......I could not take such a disrespectful action when I had more time and experience then anyone else that was being kept.


You might want to remind them that you are most likely the only employee that can drive through the front door and out the back.....just saying!

By the way.......My prays go out to not only you but also your family as well.

01-21-2016, 12:07 PM
Reading through the last few posts, has reminded me of some feelings I've had this week.

Monday I found out that the company I've been working for two years, wasn't doing very well.

Wednesday I found out they were laying people off, by name.

Today I found out I was being laid off. Next Friday is my last day. Based on the information I have I thought this might just be for a couple of months. I asked and it doesn't look good short term, so I'm out and won't be coming back.

I guess I have always been one to get a job, learn it, and want to remain there. Perhaps to my detriment.

Monday I started looking and applying for jobs. I did speak with a head hunter yesterday, but that's a long ways from a job offer.

Thank you all for the kind words of support and prayers. I know I'm much luckier than most people, but it is times like these that teach you just how susceptible we are to the will of other people, and the possibility of health issues for ourselves, or family members.

I worked 16 years at one company. Went from computer operator to director of systems and networking. To this day I still don't understand why they offered me another job without a title, or a package. I took the packaged, was in deep depression, and didn't work for eleven months.

It was my biggest fear not to be able to find another job, and really kept me from looking during those 16 years.

I had to face that fear, took a 50% cut in pay and had a job with almost no responsibility.

Funny thing is after working several years at this job hurricane Ike damaged the building so bad that the company decided to shutdown the call center in Houston. I worked from home a good month after IKE because of the building problem. Everyone else just got paid for that month, not having to work at all. I thought it was very strange, so I was looking for another job, and the week they announced to us the Houston location would not reopen and we'd all be out of a job Jan 1st, I was offered the position at HP.

For the next month and a half I received two paychecks. One from the old job and one from the new job.

Then when the contract was coming up for renewal at HP, the company I worked full time for had the contract with HP, I was concerned it wouldn't be renewed, or they might not want the folks with the higher salaries, I found the job I'm in now

So there was an overlap on one job and then a job offer just a few days before the contract was potentially up.

Maybe it will work out this time too! I guess that's what makes life interesting, you never know what will happen.

01-21-2016, 12:58 PM
That is not good news Tony. Fortunately, you are in Houston though and Texas as a whole is a good place to get employment. I will send one up for you

XJ Wheeler
01-21-2016, 03:10 PM
Sorry to hear this tony. Surprised your field is that unstable. Hope you find a good position soon!

Sent via messenger pigeon. I talk, he types.

01-21-2016, 04:56 PM
Sorry to hear this tony. Surprised your field is that unstable. Hope you find a good position soon!

Sent via messenger pigeon. I talk, he types.

During my 16 years at one company I always heard 2 years is about as long as an IT person stayed at a job. I think it had more to do with the people changing jobs for higher salaries. I know one friend I worked with from long ago changed jobs for more money but also because he didn't know what he was doing. His B.S. would get him through about that long.

01-21-2016, 10:16 PM
Sorry Tony. Like you told me earlier when we were texting, misery loves company. I have a lot of engineering friends in the oil and gas industry and a few of them have been laid off over the course of the oil price drop. That's one thing that led to my company cleaning slate. Hundreds of people were laid off, including ones that have been there for 18 years. In my case, it's in preparation of an "economic downturn". Houston being so big in oil and gas.... affects more than just those oil and gas companies, I guess.

01-22-2016, 09:17 AM
Sorry Tony. Like you told me earlier when we were texting, misery loves company. I have a lot of engineering friends in the oil and gas industry and a few of them have been laid off over the course of the oil price drop. That's one thing that led to my company cleaning slate. Hundreds of people were laid off, including ones that have been there for 18 years. In my case, it's in preparation of an "economic downturn". Houston being so big in oil and gas.... affects more than just those oil and gas companies, I guess.

You are correct. As much as the Houston city leaders talk about how diversified the city is economically it is an oil and gas town. No mater what you do for a living oil and gas is the driving factor in Houston and the US. This is the 3rd oil/gas down turn I've been through as a worker in the industry in the last 30+ years. Luckily I survived (been layed off several times during that period) I got out of being solely depended on the industry last year but what I do now it still has a effect on my business.

I guess my point is

Don't worry about being layed off if it's going to happen it happens there is nothing you can do about it (unless you have a pic of your boss doing a sheep)
Note something like this works (for the record there were no sheep involved) I was about to get layed off and reminded my boss that when we were equals of some real stupid stuff we did on company time and did not have a problem with going to HR about it. Needless to say that ended our friendship. No big deal I got transferred still had a job.

Keep a positive attitude about getting a new job (feeling sorry for yourself will destroy you) I like Tony was off work for 11 months and it's depressing.

Think outside the box apply for jobs that were not exactly what you were doing but your experience could benefit them. That's what I did same industry different field.

And last but not least from my experience unless you financially have to get back to work don't take a job you really don't want just to get a paycheck you will hate it. (did that twice)

This reply is not directed just to Tony it's to everyone on the forum who could be in this situation.

01-22-2016, 12:15 PM
At least you guys are able to work. Ever been told you are a liability? I have, many times. About thirty years ago a box fell on me while loading the truck I was driving, ruptured some disks in my back. At the time the only thing else I knew was horses. I worked at the track (about 15 yrs) until '98. My body was so beat up by the horses I couldn't carry on anymore. I'd still like to have a job, but at my age with a bad back, it just isn't going to happen. It's not that I can't do anything, I can with limitations. But I'm stuck being a liability.
You all should keep your chin up, your still able to work. :)

01-22-2016, 12:24 PM
At least you guys are able to work. Ever been told you are a liability? I have, many times. About thirty years ago a box fell on me while loading the truck I was driving, ruptured some disks in my back. At the time the only thing else I knew was horses. I worked at the track (about 15 yrs) until '98. My body was so beat up by the horses I couldn't carry on anymore. I'd still like to have a job, but at my age with a bad back, it just isn't going to happen. It's not that I can't do anything, I can with limitations. But I'm stuck being a liability.
You all should keep your chin up, your still able to work. :)

Yep I mention to my wife last night I can't imagine being on the battlefield and wondering if I was going to survive. There are many things worse than being laid off, but that doesn't stop the worry. The fear is that I'll never work again. The truth is I may not find a job I like, that pays me well enough. It's a maturity thing. Many people have to work jobs they don't like. You can always start your own business, right?

It's all scary, but life is scary. Thanks for your words, I know exactly what you mean. I'm feeling better today. I know what I can't fix the problem right this minute, so I'll have to wait, give it time.

01-22-2016, 12:49 PM
If only I had 2 nickles to rub together. Starting any business costs a small fortune in this state, money I don't have. I've had some Ideas, but no money for fees and license. Right now I'm taking care of my 89 yr old dad. Mom died a year ago. I'll have whatever is left from the sale of the house after the bills are paid and my sister gets her share. When I turn 65 I'll get a pension from the VA. Not sure how much time my dad has left in his life. When he goes I'll head out to the woods for a few years if needed. When I was younger I had a very different idea of what life would be like for me now. You just never know what will happen as the years go by. As long as I can stay warm, eat and have a good place to sleep, I'll be alright. That's all we really need.
Keep the faith and things seem to work out. :)

01-22-2016, 01:07 PM
If only I had 2 nickles to rub together. Starting any business costs a small fortune in this state, money I don't have. I've had some Ideas, but no money for fees and license. Right now I'm taking care of my 89 yr old dad. Mom died a year ago. I'll have whatever is left from the sale of the house after the bills are paid and my sister gets her share. When I turn 65 I'll get a pension from the VA. Not sure how much time my dad has left in his life. When he goes I'll head out to the woods for a few years if needed. When I was younger I had a very different idea of what life would be like for me now. You just never know what will happen as the years go by. As long as I can stay warm, eat and have a good place to sleep, I'll be alright. That's all we really need.
Keep the faith and things seem to work out. :)

I have an in-law in San Antonio, originally from Mexico, that started a tire shop. They have that business and a house. Sometimes I think that we don't try things because we can't see how it will work, but when you come from a place that there really was no way to make it through life you find a way.

01-22-2016, 01:35 PM
Thanks Tony, I need to move but have to take care of my dad. I'm kind of stuck for the moment. This city (I grew up here) has become too pc and people are also afraid of lawsuits. There are way too many "helpful" agency's here willing to help... you sign up for gov programs, food stamps ect., but not much to get people back to work. I haven't given up completely, I've been thinking about trapping for a pest control outfit. We have a lot of coons and other critters in back yards around here.
I do think there is something to your question about what we fear coming true. I think we can attract to us what we dwell on, whether it is good or bad. Maybe someone has said to you, don't invite trouble. Sometimes when we talk about bad things, they sometimes happen. Try to be positive in your thinking, think of your next job being a good one, not one you have to settle for. Keep thinking about how happy your new job will make you and your family. Good things can materialize with a good attitude. :)

01-22-2016, 01:41 PM
Thanks Tony, I need to move but have to take care of my dad. I'm kind of stuck for the moment. This city (I grew up here) has become too pc and people are also afraid of lawsuits. There are way too many "helpful" agency's here willing to help... you sign up for gov programs, food stamps ect., but not much to get people back to work. I haven't given up completely, I've been thinking about trapping for a pest control outfit. We have a lot of coons and other critters in back yards around here.
I do think there is something to your question about what we fear coming true. I think we can attract to us what we dwell on, whether it is good or bad. Maybe someone has said to you, don't invite trouble. Sometimes when we talk about bad things, they sometimes happen. Try to be positive in your thinking, think of your next job being a good one, not one you have to settle for. Keep thinking about how happy your new job will make you and your family. Good things can materialize with a good attitude. :)

Exactly, I believe it works both ways...

01-25-2016, 02:49 PM
Glad someone finally nailed it. The things you BELIEVE in and FOCUS on WILL COME to fruition. I don't think it works the other way. If so, all you have to do is stop worrying about it and take action to make your own outcome. All perception. all the best.

01-25-2016, 04:12 PM
Glad someone finally nailed it. The things you BELIEVE in and FOCUS on WILL COME to fruition. I don't think it works the other way. If so, all you have to do is stop worrying about it and take action to make your own outcome. All perception. all the best.

There is a lot to be said for staying positive, however when people depend on you it's easier to start blaming yourself for things you really had no control over. :(

01-25-2016, 04:29 PM
There is a lot to be said for staying positive, however when people depend on you it's easier to start blaming yourself for things you really had no control over. :(

If your path to the best version of you includes blaming yourself for something out of your control, then have at it. You said it yourself, things you really had no control over. To me, that would be justification for NOT blaming myself.

I'm not saying stick your head in the sand and loudly hum lullabies. Sounds like you've taken ownership of it, and that includes knowing you did your part. And knowing this wasn't in your control.

01-26-2016, 09:55 AM
I wanted to add, it's easy to sit here and play Dr. Phil with someone else's life. Just want to say that good things happen to good people. and I think you'll find what you're looking for. You'll probably look back on this as one of the better things that happened. Chin up ole sport

01-26-2016, 10:14 AM
It's funny how turmoil in your life makes you think. I was talking to my oldest daughter last night, and I think I may have a better understanding as to why celebrities have drug and alcohol issues.

For movie actors, they usually work for short spurts. They get the accolades then nothing. They know they will work again, but there is that self doubt that they are a fraud, or the tide has turned and they'll never work again.

The need to free themselves from this nagging fear, the roller coaster ride of being emotionally up and down. I'm guessing self medicating helps in this process.

It's funny that it took me this long to think of this. I guess it's a testament to how little personal suffering I've had to do, which is probably why I'm having a hard time dealing with it.

I mean I'm doing okay, I would just like to stop worrying about my damn job. I know the same thing everyone else wants, without the death in the family, a loved one that needs consent medical care, or a personal illness and no one else to help them.

My problems are minimal I know. Thank you to all that have taken the time to pat me on the back and remind me it's going to be okay.

02-02-2016, 09:22 PM
Friday was my last day. For any of you that can keep a positive attitude and not let fear twist your mind during this time, I envy you.

A job, or lack of one, shouldn't occupy this much of my thoughts.

02-02-2016, 10:12 PM
life's funny tony ....5 years ago this month ,didn't know where life was going re quake stuff..jobs home blah blah . two weeks ago doc starts poking and sending me off for test (last ones tomorrow in hospital fingers crossed) this weekend phone call sister and brother didn't know I had making contact (always known im adopted ) plus birth mother wanting to meet .....what im trying to say is go with the flow , life's short it throws shit at ya now and again sit back relax cause if its meant to be it will be ......my 2cents mate


02-03-2016, 11:47 AM
I feel ya Tony. I transitioned straight into another job, but because it's sales I have the fear and worry that I won't sell enough to sustain my family which is almost as bad as no money at all, except for the fact that this is life constantly now... Always worrying if I'm going to have a good enough month. Especially starting out because there's so much to learn before I can really be a good/knowledgeable salesman. It's not as easy as it seems. Plus, there's so many other sales people here that it's tough to make sure I get a piece of the pie.

XJ Wheeler
02-03-2016, 05:45 PM
I feel ya Tony. I transitioned straight into another job, but because it's sales I have the fear and worry that I won't sell enough to sustain my family which is almost as bad as no money at all, except for the fact that this is life constantly now... Always worrying if I'm going to have a good enough month. Especially starting out because there's so much to learn before I can really be a good/knowledgeable salesman. It's not as easy as it seems. Plus, there's so many other sales people here that it's tough to make sure I get a piece of the pie.
There's enough of us around here to keep em busy for you. ;)

Sent via messenger pigeon. I talk, he types.

02-06-2016, 03:34 PM
Tony take a deep breth. Its scary as hell but if you stay positive and dont let it get to you it will work out. You have skills man. I lost my job back in july. Saw it coming and was proactive. Now i have the best job i have ever had.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk

02-06-2016, 09:01 PM
I'm retired now. however, I made 3 career changes during my working career(all as a result of job circumstances) and was fired once but got my job back with full pay after 8 months. You pray, stay positive and take one day at a time.

02-07-2016, 10:48 PM
Thanks guys. I'm finally starting to get my head around it. It's just fear. Same thing kids, and some adults feel when there's a thunderstorm or taking a fly over on a major freeway to fast. It doesn't bother me, why, I've been through it before.

The bottom line is I know God has a plan for me and even if I don't agree with it or it turns out that it's a hard plan there's a reason for it. I just have to believe that this isn't anywhere close to the end as it feels at times. Just a change.

03-02-2016, 07:36 PM
Hey dude any reason you don't start your own gig working with small companies doing their IT stuff? You may be way over qualified for something like that so pls don't take offense if that's like sitting at the kid's table for your line of work....

sent from my Samsoon S5 from the bottom of a mud hole

03-02-2016, 08:56 PM
Hey dude any reason you don't start your own gig working with small companies doing their IT stuff? You may be way over qualified for something like that so pls don't take offense if that's like sitting at the kid's table for your line of work....

sent from my Samsoon S5 from the bottom of a mud hole

No that would be fine, however finding the people to work for is the issue.

03-03-2016, 11:20 AM

03-03-2016, 12:44 PM

Interesting. They should teach a class in high school about starting your own business. I'll poke around on the site, thanks.

03-03-2016, 01:26 PM
I see no startup costs, other than association fees like chamber membership. I can't speak for the Katy Chamber, but I use my local chamber a lot to market our business and build relationships. There's a sweet spot for small companies that can't afford a full time IT guy, but need someone to call when business screeches to a halt as a result of a tech issue.

here's another resource: http://www.sbdc.uh.edu/sbdc/default.asp
They'll help with business plans and projections, with your input of course. But like I said, its not like your startup costs are an issue. The only issue I see is your first 10 clients.

03-03-2016, 01:27 PM
there's a prepaid IT consulting thing I saw recently where companies prepay for say 4 hours of support. then tick off support in 15 min blocks. you get paid upfront basically.

03-03-2016, 01:35 PM
I want to get computer consulting going even when I find a full time job. It's just not worth it to have all your eggs in one basket.

03-03-2016, 03:19 PM
Great idea

03-04-2016, 09:47 AM
Thank you for all the support guys, both on this thread and the private messages I have received. If you've been in this position you know how much it means. You do have a tendency to feel alone.

I wanted to give everyone an update.

In the month since the layoff I have had three interviews. The most recent was Friday a week ago. Unfortunately the job I was interviewing for was to support some 500+ Linux servers on VMware. I was sure I could do it, but had to admit that the most virtual machines I've ever managed at one time was less than 50. As I put it, you only one on one server at a time anyway. This came out in the face to face interview within the first 10 minutes, but they continued to interview me for another hour and 20 minutes. It went very well, but I don't think they'd be able to sell me for this position. We'll see how it goes.

In the meantime I have another interview today with a different company. According to the head hunter they are ready to hire me now, but the hiring manager would like to interview me first. This will be a Skype interview, which is great. Going and meeting someone is always nerve racking, especially when you get to wear cloths you normally would only be buried in. ;)

So I'm feeling much better, on and the first unemployment check helped with a better sense of security as well.

I know God will take care of me and my family. In a way if I worry about this really mild situation when compared to people that are struggling with illness, or our soldiers in harms way, it is being disrespectful to God not trusting that the best will occur.

03-04-2016, 10:55 AM
Wow, VMWare, you need to land this one Tony. :bacondance::bacondance::bacondance:

Currently using this in my business. I would have my own personal tech support :D

Hope it all works out. I had a dry spell, but now things have picked up big time. Don't even have time to work on the Jeep :bang::bang::bang:

God does take care of us, even when we don't think he is

03-04-2016, 11:37 AM
Wow, VMWare, you need to land this one Tony. :bacondance::bacondance::bacondance:

Currently using this in my business. I would have my own personal tech support :D

Hope it all works out. I had a dry spell, but now things have picked up big time. Don't even have time to work on the Jeep :bang::bang::bang:

God does take care of us, even when we don't think he is

I've used VMWare in the past, it's not very different from the other virtualization software, but you know how people are. They want you to have specific experience.

I'm planning on loading it on this server, I just need to move xjtalk.com (and the other sites) over to the second server. Then I'll be running VMWare on my primary server and xenserver on the secondary.

03-04-2016, 11:48 AM
It has worked well for me so far

03-04-2016, 11:55 AM
It has worked well for me so far

With the processors (multi-core) and memory speeds it's silly not to virtualize them. We were using HP Gen 6 technology (I think they are on gen 9 now) and it was still kicking a$$. The 32T SAN storage I built from scratch helped.

It's funny I was starting to buy parts to build a SAN that I was going to try to sell on ebay. As you may know SAN's go for $30k to $60k

03-04-2016, 12:11 PM
Glad you are doing better Tony.
Ever day I pass a local busines that has a sign that says
Relax GOD is in control.
Still praying for you and yours.

03-04-2016, 04:27 PM
This is what I was talking about before, attracting what you think about.


XJ Wheeler
03-04-2016, 04:37 PM
Great to hear about the interviews! Still praying for ya everyday tony.

Sent via messenger pigeon. I talk, he types.

03-04-2016, 11:50 PM
Thank you for all the support guys, both on this thread and the private messages I have received. If you've been in this position you know how much it means. You do have a tendency to feel alone.

I wanted to give everyone an update.

In the month since the layoff I have had three interviews. The most recent was Friday a week ago. Unfortunately the job I was interviewing for was to support some 500+ Linux servers on VMware. I was sure I could do it, but had to admit that the most virtual machines I've ever managed at one time was less than 50. As I put it, you only one on one server at a time anyway. This came out in the face to face interview within the first 10 minutes, but they continued to interview me for another hour and 20 minutes. It went very well, but I don't think they'd be able to sell me for this position. We'll see how it goes.

In the meantime I have another interview today with a different company. According to the head hunter they are ready to hire me now, but the hiring manager would like to interview me first. This will be a Skype interview, which is great. Going and meeting someone is always nerve racking, especially when you get to wear cloths you normally would only be buried in. ;)

So I'm feeling much better, on and the first unemployment check helped with a better sense of security as well.

I know God will take care of me and my family. In a way if I worry about this really mild situation when compared to people that are struggling with illness, or our soldiers in harms way, it is being disrespectful to God not trusting that the best will occur.
Nice Tone!! Powerful message too, thanks for sharing.

sent from my Samsoon S5 from the bottom of a mud hole

03-05-2016, 01:36 AM
9am Skype interview was postponed to 2pm. At 2pm it went well. Hiring manager wanted me to move to next phase and he shared out of the many people that he had interviewed I was the only one he had moved forward with.

So it looks good, but until I'm actually there working I'm not counting any chickens.

We haven't talked $$$ yet but the headhunter put me in at a higher salary than I was making at my prior job.

About the only downside I can see to the job is all their servers are hosted with a cloud service. This is more than likely the trend these days but I still like being able to put my hands on the servers.

03-05-2016, 08:17 AM
My boss sent me that link..it does make a difference

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk

03-05-2016, 11:01 PM
My boss sent me that link..it does make a difference

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I547 using Tapatalk
It's doubtful anyone will watch it.

03-06-2016, 06:12 AM
I do regularly. Im an automotive locksmith. I have a contract with one customer and the rest of my customers are route based. You have to stay positive because of the cyclical nature of the market.

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03-08-2016, 10:23 AM
Received a call this morning from the "head hunter" that I have been working with on this most recent job.

She said the company has given the thumbs up and they just have to get them to sign the bill then they will forward the offer to me.

Hopefully its for the pay that they told me and then then hopefully the benefits are better at this new company. A lot of my pay was going to family health coverage at the old job. :(

Thanks for all the words of support and prayers!

Now hopefully this job will last more than two years. I hate looking for a job! :boohoo:

03-08-2016, 10:29 AM
Good News Tony :thumbsup:

XJ Wheeler
03-09-2016, 05:22 PM
Sweet! Things are looking up! Sounds like this is even an upgrade from your last one?

I hear ya about the insurance. Just me, is over $300 a month. And I'm young and healthy-ish.

Sent via messenger pigeon. I talk, he types.