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View Full Version : Police to wear personal video recording devices.

10-26-2012, 09:22 AM
I recently watched a story on the local news that said Houston police would start wearing personal video recording devices.

We have all become used to the videos that we see from police dash cams during pursuits and traffic violation stops, however what we are talking about here is the ability for the police to record you up close and personal.

Now the police will have a record of not only your words, but your facial expressions. How much more weight will that carry with the judge or a jury?

Add to that the police officer's word and to some degree his attitude will be on the record, but not his face, motions etc...

Well here's a solution.

First a brief video...


Okay not so brief, but it's a good test video, now here is what I used to record it, and yes it is in high definition.


This is a $40 shipped DVR system from eBay (China seller). Matt (msmoorenburg) the seldom heard from post wise told me about this little gem. His brother actually used one on a RC glider that produced some really stunning results.

The police may have their way to record us, but as the public we too have the ability to record those that have power over us!

10-26-2012, 09:51 AM
Video looks good, the audio is horrible though.... lots of clicks and distortions.
you're pic shows a key fob... is that for remote turn on/record and off?
Whats the actual camera look like? ....or is the fob the camera?

10-26-2012, 09:54 AM
Video looks good, the audio is horrible though.... lots of clicks and distortions.
you're pic shows a key fob... is that for remote turn on/record and off?
Whats the actual camera look like? ....or is the fob the camera?

DVR is the recording device camera and mic, all in the key chain remote.

10-26-2012, 10:06 AM
.....This is a $40 shipped DVR system from eBay (China seller). Matt (msmoorenburg) the seldom heard from post wise told me about this little gem...

10-26-2012, 10:44 AM
I was just looking at DVR/cams for the dash... Link to were you got this one?

Hope the authorities dont send you a ticket for running the red light at 12 seconds!

10-26-2012, 06:53 PM
I've seen similar cameras, but not that great video quality. It's kinda like a nanny cam, except you can use it as a cop cam! Aaaaand Wayne can use it as a midget spy cam ;)

P.S. That street sure looks familiar ;)

10-27-2012, 12:30 AM
A few cops i know are already using things like that. Payed for out of there own pocket, just to protect themselves from lawsuits.

10-28-2012, 01:45 PM
......Hope the authorities dont send you a ticket for running the red light at 12 seconds!
That light was a very stale yellow...i may go so far as to call it orange even....but not red.....Tony wouldn't run a RED light...
....Well on second thought ....Red IS his favorite color!

10-30-2012, 06:41 AM
And the video that I sent Tony, yes its loud and you can see other planes flying in the background.
