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View Full Version : MJ Coolant Reservoir Bottle Replacement

09-03-2012, 12:19 PM
If you are running the factory Renix closed cooling system, MJ owners may find this info useful.
Friday, coming home from work I noticed the coolant reservoir had sprung a leak.
No big deal, very easy to replace but of course there is always something that goes wrong.

I checked O'Reilly, Napa, and as a last resort even Autozone, none had a replacement :confused:

I changed the search from 1988 Comanche to 1988 Cherokee and found the part I was looking for, it's a Dorman OE Solutions Coolant Reservoir #603-300

I wanted to cross reference the number and I have used Amazon to do this in the past with good luck but... WTH?!?


There is no way they used 2 different reservoir bottles.. Right?
I went ahead and bought it, even if I have to modify the mount to make it work it looks close enough in the pictures.

Here is the "incompatible" part next to the old leaking one.
They are almost identical






It's a good looking replacement but Dorman needs to fix their cross reference on this part to include the Comanche!
Would have saved some time knowing for sure what part number I needed.

09-08-2012, 05:32 AM
I never ever search for jeep Comanche parts. I always search for Cherokee parts. They are exactly the same.. Make things easier.

09-08-2012, 07:09 AM
Glad you were able to find a replacement part.. this might come in handy if I pick up a friend of mine's older XJ to have as a play toy...

10-17-2012, 10:58 AM
Just as an FYI , I do carry those bottles in stock. (shamless plug )