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08-29-2012, 10:48 PM
As most of you know or have heard most of NOR CAL has been on fire now for a couple weeks. Well wild fires are scary but there is another side of them that you never hear about
yes its a mountain lion sitting in a tree in broad daylight, near my house. Along with the lions we are getting alot of bear sitings also. In 08 during the Humbolt fire we had the same thing happen. First all the deer come in to escape the fire then everything that eats deer follow.

XJ Wheeler
08-29-2012, 11:22 PM
Very good point! Another reason wild fires suck.

08-30-2012, 10:51 AM
As a side note the CALFIRE cews found a baby Bobcat and rescued it, after not finding a mother anywhere. They sent it to a wildlife rescue in Tahoe (same place that rehabed Smokey) our Humboldt fire bear. Its name is Chips,after the fire.

08-30-2012, 04:14 PM
Glad to hear they were able to rescue the Bobcat... Sucks that the fires push the animals back on what used to be their habitats anyways... but hope that everyone is able to stay safe during the fires as well as the animals seeking refuge with the humans!!

08-30-2012, 05:24 PM
We as a comunity are very tolerant and understand that this was theres and now have no place to go. We dont trap them or tranq. to relocate ect ect. We follow specific guidlines to keep us safe and wait for them to return to thier part of the mountian.Most of us here realize we live in a"wild" place and the critters are to be expected. Its only during times like these when thier hungry and displaced that nerves run a little higher.

08-31-2012, 10:10 AM
For those of you following this thread, as a sad note the cat was exhibiting some erratic behavior and posed a threat to humans and had to be put down, further examination of the animal showed injuries caused by the fire and left him unable to hunt in a natural situation.If left in the wild he would have starved to death, as a scavenger he could have harmed humans. An unfortunate end for a beautiful animal.

XJ Wheeler
08-31-2012, 09:09 PM
For those of you following this thread, as a sad note the cat was exhibiting some erratic behavior and posed a threat to humans and had to be put down, further examination of the animal showed injuries caused by the fire and left him unable to hunt in a natural situation.If left in the wild he would have starved to death, as a scavenger he could have harmed humans. An unfortunate end for a beautiful animal.

That is unfortunate. I just don't see why he had to be put down. As a person who enjoys and admires animals when something like this comes up i can't help but think he could been taken into captivity. Such as a zoo. Being injured but, i assume, still healthy seems like a perfect candidate.

Its a sore subject with me. A while back i heard a story of either the aspca or humane society (can't remember which) found out that someone had dozens of baby turtles and just because of the amount there was they "put them down". Perfectly healthy, just a nuisance to them.

Also, as i've found out years ago, our local pound "puts down" cats and dogs if no owner is found after only a few days.

Sorry, just can't understand why animals have to die because some organization that picks them up doesn't have the room.

08-31-2012, 09:57 PM
We have a local organization that deals with big cats with special needs, but they are not equipped for capturing them. You have to understand this is a residential area and a wounded big cat can be very dangerous to pets and humans.

08-31-2012, 10:03 PM
Sucks to hear about the big cat being put down... It does def. suck to see, but if it is better off for the big guy in the end, as well as the humans around it... guess there really wasn't much of a choice..

XJ Wheeler
08-31-2012, 10:15 PM
We have a local organization that deals with big cats with special needs, but they are not equipped for capturing them. You have to understand this is a residential area and a wounded big cat can be very dangerous to pets and humans.

I completely understand there being a danger, although i think they could've tranq'd him and hauled him out of there.

08-31-2012, 11:21 PM
Don't forget the drop

XJ Wheeler
08-31-2012, 11:30 PM
Don't forget the drop

That's a good point!

08-31-2012, 11:41 PM
As far as tranq. him, it is a well known fact that they will return to thier area no matter how far you move them. Trust me when I say putting the animal down was the absolute last choice but one that had to be made. Also I might add in my opinion Zoo's are nothing more than animal jails, its no way of life for them. Rehab and release is the only way to go.I personally have done a few and its a great feeling.

XJ Wheeler
08-31-2012, 11:54 PM
As far as tranq. him, it is a well known fact that they will return to thier area no matter how far you move them. Trust me when I say putting the animal down was the absolute last choice but one that had to be made. Also I might add in my opinion Zoo's are nothing more than animal jails, its no way of life for them. Rehab and release is the only way to go.I personally have done a few and its a great feeling.

I totally agree about zoo's, but they're gonna continue doing it anyway. That's another reason i say he was a perfect candidate, better than a fully capable cat.

That's awesome you've done those, very rewarding i imagine!

09-02-2012, 02:18 AM
I have not done that with the big cats but would love to be involved. I so respect those with the time and temperament to do the rehab that is required. Big cats and wolves need to be kept on the endangered lists forever and it should be a Federal crime to kill one unless it is self defense. Killing them to protect your livestock is not a good reason. Bring your livestock in at night or put them close enough to be somewhat protected. Wolves and big cats were on the land first and should have the rights to survive.
Getting off my soapbox now!!!!!!!!!!

09-02-2012, 09:02 AM
I personally don't do the big cats, but am listed on the reptile and raptor rescue board here, mostly get to move alot of snakes. We have done many fawns ,mothers killed by cars ect ect.I have two bucks that I can call by name and one owl named hooters who likes to steal my hat and drop it where ever. He thinks is funny, I still have an issue with a owl with a 4 ft wing span diving at me, but he has never so much as nicked my head with his talons.