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06-17-2012, 12:15 PM
What has following Christ cost you?


06-17-2012, 12:42 PM
Nothing worth remembering!!

06-17-2012, 01:39 PM
That's kind of a difficult question to answer.... it can cover so much ground. What has it cost me in a negative sense? Absolutely nothing. What has it cost me in a positive sense? Very difficult to answer specifically. I suppose it has cost me a life of evil.

I do regret not being more active in my following. I do not attend a church. I would like to attend from time to time, but in my own beliefs, there are several things that I do not agree with. Many religions describe a "fearful God" belief... I believe in a God of love. I find it hard to believe that people will go to Hell for being gay... I believe that most gay people were honestly born that way and it's not their fault. How can they be punished for that?

People fear the end of the world, such as this whole "2012" thing. There are so-called "Doomsday Preppers", and I say that when God decides it's time for me and my family, then please accept me into the heavenly kingdom.

I am no perfect Christian by any means, and many times I wish I were. God gave us the ability to think and decide for ourselves, and that puts the responsibility on us. I've failed a few times, but I have asked for forgiveness and have forgiven myself. All I can do is try to learn from my mistakes and strive to do better in the future.

I respect people's beliefs, and even cheer them on when the message is positive. I refuse to get into religious debates because that person believes what they believe and who am I to argue? They aren't going to change my mind, so why should I expect to change theirs? Does it mean they're wrong? No. Does it mean I'm wrong? No.

I'm usually very uncomfortable with talking about religion, mainly for the fact that I don't know what people believe, and therefore don't want to be put into a situation that could prove awkward. Kinda like politics, actually! The difference with religion and politics, though, in religion I don't judge people. But politically, which side you root for etc. can dramatically change my perception of a person. That's why I HATE it when celebrities express their political views... it makes it hard to enjoy their work from that moment on.

Sorry for being long winded lol!

06-17-2012, 03:27 PM
Family, a great career and lots of wheeling buddies. But it was all worth it.

XJ Wheeler
06-17-2012, 08:59 PM
An excellent question, one that was recently brought up at a church I've been going to recently.

For me, a life with Christ is better than anything else i can think of doing with my life.

06-18-2012, 11:25 AM
I guess the question stems from this... We as followers of Christ, are suppose to completely die to ourselves. That means everything we do should be for Him in some way. What religion am i? I don't do denominations... I am a follower of Christ. I am not just a fan that sits on the sidelines, watching people in the game. I am on the field. Yes at times I become a fan, because its a lot easier to sit in the stands and watch, than it is to train daily spiritually and mentally, to be prepared and equippedfor the battle on the field. It can be exhausting and uncomfortable. But Jesus doesn't want fans... He wants completely commuted followers. So what should following Jesus cost me? Everything... My life...
We have it so easy here in the USA. The only persecution most of is deal with is by words. People stay away, family, friends, loved ones. It is a struggle to die to myself every day. I want things, I am selfish, I am greedy, I think people owe me, my ways seem more important at times. It is not an easy route. 3 forces against us, the world, Satan, and our flesh. The world can be easy to ignore, the evil of Satan can be easy to resist, but the flesh? Ugh... The only thing that can separate me from Gods love, is me.


06-21-2012, 03:25 PM
Cost me ?? nothing, I freely gave away, I have found that if I had lost anything he has replaced it with something better and something I really needed. I am his and I call him father and he call me son. Its not a religon its a relationship. Nothing I ever had means anything to me now and its really great to know that. true freedom, I know that he is with me all the time watching and protecting me, I know that he will never give me more that I can handle.So there is no fear or apprehention,all is givin to him.What did it cost me, nothing , It cost him his life , but he also gave that freely.