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03-26-2014, 02:25 PM
Praying for you

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XJ Wheeler
03-28-2014, 09:24 AM
She is doing much better! The infection is clearing up, much less coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Her swelling has gotten much better, almost back to normal.

The majority of the bone marrow results are in, and its all good news so far. It also shows her dna to be 96% donor. They want 100% but said its normal not to be all the way there this soon.

She has been having a somewhat bad pain in her left side and the did an xray to check on it. The results showed her left lung isn't expanding fully. To aid in solving this they want her to walk more, which she is doing, plus exercises and treatments are being done.

I can't remember if I mentioned it or not but she has developed what is believed to be a rash on her shoulders and chest. They thought it may have been GVHD (Graft Versus Host Disease), and put her on steroids accordingly and some creams. They did biopsy of part of it and it came back negative. But the steroids have pushed her blood sugar fairly high and she's now getting insulin injections. They have planned to taper off the steroids so hopefully the glucose returns to normal after a while.

Her spirits have been much higher as well, I imagine mostly due to feeling better.

And I am feeling much better as well.

Thank you all very much for everything!!!

bad luck
03-28-2014, 10:38 AM
I'm so glad to hear the good news! I hope the rest clears up too. I don't imagine you know who the donor was, but it's people like that person, that make our society better. Best wishes for your Moms continued recovery.

03-28-2014, 10:49 AM
Awesome report! Continuing in prayer.

03-28-2014, 11:03 AM
Good to hear she is improving

03-28-2014, 12:03 PM
Great update bro! Thanks for sharing!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

XJ Wheeler
03-28-2014, 07:53 PM
Appreciate it guys! If all goes well they've said early next week to get discharged.

Bob, all we know for now is the donor is a 20 year old male. After a year from transplant, if both agree, they can set up a meeting. And yes, an amazing person to do such an awesome thing for someone who they may never even know their name.

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XJ Wheeler
04-01-2014, 07:35 AM
Yesterday morning she was to be discharged pending the results of a chest x-ray, but that showed either no change or it has worsened. Not quite clear on that. But then they ordered a CT scan which showed the spots that were there are improving but there is new junk in there. So today we shall see what is gonna be done.

And I can't remember if I posted it, but they said she has pneumonia.

Overall she is still doing well. The pain is improving, and her breathing as well. She has been traveling the halls and outside areas plenty. They did start a new medicine to help with the blood sugar.

04-01-2014, 07:38 AM
Good to hear that she's doing better. I am still praying for her

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XJ Wheeler
04-01-2014, 07:44 AM
Good to hear that she's doing better. I am still praying for her

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Sincerely appreciate it Marcelo

04-01-2014, 07:52 AM
Pneumonia is pretty common when stuck in a hospital bed. They have her doing those breathing exercises?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

04-01-2014, 07:54 AM
Good to hear that she's doing better. I am still praying for her

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Same here. I have her wrote on my daily prayer list.

XJ Wheeler
04-01-2014, 08:10 AM
Appreciate it guys.

Jim. Oh yeah, they have her doing exercises and breathing treatments. Plus the walking will help too, that's why she has been doing so much.

XJ Wheeler
04-03-2014, 09:11 PM
24 days later she is discharged! Stressful day but glad to be out.

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04-03-2014, 09:18 PM
Good news Jake

04-03-2014, 09:46 PM

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

04-04-2014, 10:17 AM
Awesome report!!

04-11-2014, 01:19 PM
My girl is going to the doctor today. Please pray that it's not the C word.

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04-11-2014, 01:23 PM

XJ Wheeler
04-11-2014, 01:51 PM
You got it bud! Keep us updated.

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04-12-2014, 04:15 PM
Doctor said we shouldn't be worried we ll get a update in a few days. Thank you guys for praying. I thought I could show her that I am strong in tough times but she's way stronger then I. I lost my cool right after she told me.

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XJ Wheeler
04-12-2014, 04:42 PM
That just shows you care is all. Remember, He is strong when we are weak.

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04-14-2014, 08:30 AM
you got it Cartman

XJ Wheeler
04-20-2014, 12:22 AM
Figured i would give an update while i have a few minutes.

The pain in her side has spread to back and chest. And has persisted all this time. So far the answers are the same as to why and the main focus on what to do is load her up with pain meds. The latest is morphine but she has been trying to stay off any of them as much as possible. Its a fine line.

Also in the past week the nausea has been progressing and she as well has been getting different medications for it.

Plus she's been having some bad headaches. It is believe one of two things is causing it. Either the anti-rejection medication or nausea meds. The first ones dose has been lessened, the second has been switched to another particular prescription.

The steroids have been tapered off and finished and accordingly her blood sugar had lowered enough to no longer need insulin. We will still be monitoring it though to keep an eye on it.

A great thing is that her blood counts look excellent. Platelets well within normal range, blood nearing the bottom of its range, and white cells are coming back down after the infection.

Also, they have come to us about her doing a trial drug again. A chemotherapy she would get for five days every twenty eight days for a year. Haven't made any decision of any kind as to whether she will do it or not.

And finally we are getting days off from being at the hospital. My Saturday was six hours of laundry because we haven't had much time at the apartment and when we do are dog tired. So its nice having some time to get things done.

Thanks to everyone for the thoughts, prayers, or even just reading through!!!

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04-20-2014, 12:31 AM
Thanks for the update, Jake. I sure hope the pain stops soon. Happy Easter to your brother, mother and you. I'll be saying a few extra ones for ya.

XJ Wheeler
04-20-2014, 12:46 AM
Thanks for the update, Jake. I sure hope the pain stops soon. Happy Easter to your brother, mother and you. I'll be saying a few extra ones for ya.

Many thanks to you bro! Happy Easter to you and Lauren too!

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04-21-2014, 08:50 AM
Hope you all had a good Easter Jake

XJ Wheeler
04-21-2014, 09:39 AM
Hope you all had a good Easter Jake

Sure did Jon, thanks! For you guys as well!

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XJ Wheeler
05-20-2014, 08:02 PM
About time for an update i figure.

She's been improving in some ways. The pain in her side has gotten better, very thankful for that. So i would assume the lung is coming back to normal. Still having some cough, although much improved as well.

Her nausea still lingers from time to time. It is improving but the cause isn't exactly known so it will be monitored. This could very well be a sign of GVHD, so its important to keep a close eye on it. As well as her stomach issues, which are also improving but still apparent.

On Thursday another bone marrow biopsy was done. Should get some results this Thursday and more in the coming weeks. This is a big one, well i guess they all are but this one will tell how well she engrafted. Hoping the DNA is 100% donor.

A thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers. Day 100 (after transplant) is in just a few days.

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05-21-2014, 08:57 AM
Thanks for the update, I was just thinking about you guys last night. Glad to hear she seems to be heading in the right direction.

XJ Wheeler
05-21-2014, 03:18 PM
Thanks for the update, I was just thinking about you guys last night. Glad to hear she seems to be heading in the right direction.

Appreciate both the reply and thoughts Abe!

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05-21-2014, 06:29 PM
Glad there is some improvement, bro! Keep us updated on the DNA results...

XJ Wheeler
05-21-2014, 06:35 PM
Glad there is some improvement, bro! Keep us updated on the DNA results...

You can count on it! Thanks!

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

bad luck
05-21-2014, 10:02 PM
I wanted to include my wishes for your mom's continued recovery. Thanks for the update.

XJ Wheeler
05-21-2014, 10:20 PM
I wanted to include my wishes for your mom's continued recovery. Thanks for the update.

And its very appreciated Bob!

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XJ Wheeler
05-22-2014, 08:39 PM
Today was nice! Got the first bit of news on the bone marrow biopsy. Blasts at 1%! Again the rest of the results will come later. The doc chose to have her line removed! He is having her come back less frequently now. Embodies confidence that they think she is getting to where she needs less attention. And we have gotten clearance to go home!!! So gotta get our stuff together and should be back for memorial day!

That is a good day...

05-22-2014, 08:53 PM
WOO! Love hearing good news, Jake!!!

XJ Wheeler
06-06-2014, 03:03 AM
Well, Wednesday night she had a few problems. It started about midnight with a horrible pain in her lower chest/upper abdomen that seared through to her back. At that time her blood pressure was pretty extreme and on the rise. After a while she became nauseas and started vomiting. She has had similar happenings before when her gallbladder acted up and we thought it would be that. The decision was made to go to the hospital so we got a few things together and readied ourselves for no telling. At the final moment before leaving, while in the truck, she began to feel better. Almost completely in fact. Being it was now 3am and no one wanted to go wait around the hospital for hours she chose to wait it out. We finally went to sleep and today has been mostly uneventful other than she seems to have a new itchy sensation on her upper body.

Thursday we were scheduled to see the doctor anyway and discussed the happenings during the night. Her liver levels showed quite irregular, high on most. In our discussion they have two theories. Either it is her gallbladder... or GVHD (Graft Versus Host Disease). She is going back tomorrow to have an ultrasound to see if her gallbladder is irregular. The doctor wants her to see the surgeon as a way of getting the ball rolling if that is the case. If it is GVHD she will receive supposedly big doses of steroids to get it in check.


06-06-2014, 06:41 AM
I sure hope she starts feeling better soon bro

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

06-06-2014, 10:13 AM
Thanks for the updates Jake, praying for her and you guys to stay strong!

XJ Wheeler
06-06-2014, 04:58 PM
Thanks very much guys!

XJ Wheeler
06-07-2014, 04:59 AM
Well today was a wash. The scheduler said the insurance needed 72 hours advance notice for the ultrasound. :crazy: Not sure how much I believe that though, as I suspect someone just didn't want to do their job. The apn that she sees commonly said it didn't sound right either and he would look into it. bottom line, she finally got an appointment for it... on Tuesday. :crazy::crazy::crazy: At least its not something important! :bang:

06-07-2014, 08:36 AM
Almost sounds like the VA stuff that's going on.... I just don't understand it.

XJ Wheeler
06-07-2014, 03:28 PM
Almost sounds like the VA stuff that's going on.... I just don't understand it.

I had the very same thought. Oh, also that i hate insurance companies!

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bad luck
06-08-2014, 01:17 PM
I sure this is the last of her problems in her recovery. It seems like there is always another setback, hopefully she is not getting too discouraged. But at least she has you and your brother to help her through these tough times.

XJ Wheeler
06-08-2014, 02:06 PM
I sure this is the last of her problems in her recovery. It seems like there is always another setback, hopefully she is not getting too discouraged. But at least she has you and your brother to help her through these tough times.

That has been pretty tough on her, not getting better for so long. But the improvements she has made have been good enough to outway that i believe. Just another hurdle i guess, and she's becoming a track star by now!


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06-09-2014, 07:56 AM
Well today was a wash. The scheduler said the insurance needed 72 hours advance notice for the ultrasound. :crazy: Not sure how much I believe that though, as I suspect someone just didn't want to do their job. The apn that she sees commonly said it didn't sound right either and he would look into it. bottom line, she finally got an appointment for it... on Tuesday. :crazy::crazy::crazy: At least its not something important! :bang:

Wow, I hate insurance companies so much. Such a racket. I'm glad you guys got it scheduled though. You and your mother continue to be in the thoughts of me and my girlfriend.

XJ Wheeler
06-09-2014, 12:56 PM
Wow, I hate insurance companies so much. Such a racket. I'm glad you guys got it scheduled though. You and your mother continue to be in the thoughts of me and my girlfriend.

Thank you Abe. Insurance companies are something i have come to realise what they are about through all this and am appalled at how its allowed to rip our people off like they do. Does our government step in and regulate them? No, they sponsor this madness and create a free for all. I recently had to obtain insurance for myself as i just turned 26 thus no longer able to be under my parents plan. After searching i have nearly $300 a month bill! And that's not some grand plan, a mediocre one with a $3k deductible. The insurance company said we had to "share the wealth" to pay for people who got it for free.

Isn't that nice...

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06-09-2014, 01:15 PM
Thank you Abe. Insurance companies are something i have come to realise what they are about through all this and am appalled at how its allowed to rip our people off like they do. Does our government step in and regulate them? No, they sponsor this madness and create a free for all. I recently had to obtain insurance for myself as i just turned 26 thus no longer able to be under my parents plan. After searching i have nearly $300 a month bill! And that's not some grand plan, a mediocre one with a $3k deductible. The insurance company said we had to "share the wealth" to pay for people who got it for free.

Isn't that nice...

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

Yeah, insurance companies like to make it seem like they're there to help you through your health problems but when you actually try to use it they're really just there to make money.

I like that with the new healthcare laws that they can no longer deny you coverage for preexisting conditions and they no longer have lifetime benefit limits but a lot of the rest of the law is complete BS. Wish they would once-and-for-all just kick the insurance companies to the curb.

XJ Wheeler
06-09-2014, 01:47 PM
Yeah, insurance companies like to make it seem like they're there to help you through your health problems but when you actually try to use it they're really just there to make money.

I like that with the new healthcare laws that they can no longer deny you coverage for preexisting conditions and they no longer have lifetime benefit limits but a lot of the rest of the law is complete BS. Wish they would once-and-for-all just kick the insurance companies to the curb.

I do like those conditions but they aren't complete in my opinion. Like the pre-existing condition part. Its a great thing for my mom, so she can obtain coverage but to my knowledge says no where that there is a limit to how much they charge. Say they approve you but because of that condition they can't deny you but jack up the cost higher than anything could logically pay. And the no lifetime limit is good but they can pick and choose what care you receive and is vital in their opinion. Example a few weeks ago my mom was having a lot of nausea and she had tried a few different medicines and the nurse practitioner prescribed a new one. It was taking a while to fill so i went to the pharmacy and started to question them. They finally told me the insurance was the reason. They didn't want to pay for this one because it was $2k a month and told her to take one of the ones she had already tried. Finally they approved it but that continues to remind me of the greed these people have.

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XJ Wheeler
06-09-2014, 07:42 PM
What timing! Insurance strikes again! The same medicine mentioned earlier was supposed to be refilled today as well as a new medicine to keep her potassium down (its been high, which can be dangerous) but the insurance had other ideas. We ended up having to pay for the potassium one and the nausea medicine... They said she would have to use another brand, that coincidentally the pharmacy doesn't carry. :rolleyes:

Anyways, the good stuff. Her liver levels are getting better, some even back to normal already. And she is feeling better. A bit of pain Friday night but not as bad and not much since.

Thanks everyone!

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

XJ Wheeler
08-17-2014, 04:56 PM
Well, its been a while since i've given an update so i figured its overdue.

She has been doing well overall. Being more active and having more ability. A few things have crept up, but thankfully more so on the minor side.

Her hands have become somewhat painful. The guesses have been neuropathy or arthritis but no tests or follow up has been done so that's all we have to go by for now.

She still battles with headaches.

Also, a few weeks ago they made the decision to start tapering off the anti-rejection medicine. This is typically procedure for this protocol and she is down about halfway so far. It is a stressful time because once she is taken off of it the new cells may start to fight her body, thus Graft Versus Host Disease. This can occur and attack any part of her body including organs, joints, muscles, etc. If that starts to happen she will go back on the med and probably get steroids. Although, it is proven that some of this fight is good... more likely the new cells will fight any stubborn leukemia cells. So, its a fine balance she needs and i ask for prayer for that.

Also, she is coming up to her six month mark from the transplant and they are doing several tests. One of which is the next bone marrow biopsy which will happen Wednesday. I'll be sure to update with the hopefully excellent results.

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08-17-2014, 08:56 PM
Thanks for the update, Jake. Still sending prayers for you guys

XJ Wheeler
09-08-2014, 08:33 PM
The results are back for the bone marrow biopsy. And they are good! 1% blasts, and no bad signs or issues. Part of here cells show to be 92% donor, which is also good. You want 100% but its still 12% closer than last time.

Praise the Lord!!!

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09-08-2014, 08:34 PM
Very good news Jake

09-08-2014, 10:01 PM
I love hearing updates with good news!

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S4 because my microwave couldn't do it

XJ Wheeler
09-08-2014, 10:08 PM
Thanks guys! I certainly like the good news too. ;)

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

bad luck
09-09-2014, 08:06 AM
I'm so glad to hear the news about your mom. That's really great. I hope she feels well enough, so you can take her out for a nice meal, or just get her out to enjoy herself. That makes a huge difference in a persons attitude.

XJ Wheeler
09-09-2014, 04:58 PM
I'm so glad to hear the news about your mom. That's really great. I hope she feels well enough, so you can take her out for a nice meal, or just get her out to enjoy herself. That makes a huge difference in a persons attitude.

I totally agree. And we have been getting into a rut with just staying home. With the whole germ thing we have to be cautious but i think that's just what we'll do soon. Thanks Bob!

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XJ Wheeler
10-13-2014, 11:07 PM
Okay, sorry i haven't updated sooner. Just keep forgetting i guess.

Anyway, the bone marrow results are good. The T cells (guessing on that spelling) are at 92%. That's up from 80%. Hoping for 100 but higher is still great. I think i mentioned it but 1% blast so that's awesome!

And... a couple days ago she started getting a rash on her right ankle/shin. It progressed and began to have a burning sensation. Today, it has begun on her left leg as well. And today we were scheduled to see the doc anyway so she notified them. He isn't sure if its either GVHD, a blood clot (which i don't see since its both legs), or and infection. And at a bit of a shock he chose to admit her for a few days for IV antibiotics and observation. We headed out to grab a couple things at the house and they called a short while ago abduction said to head over. So, we are on our way...

10-14-2014, 06:37 AM
Thanks for the update, Jake. Hope that rash clears up and things continue to progress!!!

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

XJ Wheeler
10-14-2014, 07:38 AM
Thanks for the update, Jake. Hope that rash clears up and things continue to progress!!!

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

Definitely bro! Thanks!

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10-14-2014, 08:32 AM
Haven't visited the thread in a while Jake but I've never forgotten you guys. Glad to hear the good updates & will be thanking the Lord for his blessings! Keep hangin in there!!

XJ Wheeler
10-14-2014, 09:22 AM
Haven't visited the thread in a while Jake but I've never forgotten you guys. Glad to hear the good updates & will be thanking the Lord for his blessings! Keep hangin in there!!

Its much appreciated Jon! Thanks for keeping us in mind and lifted up in prayer!

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

bad luck
10-15-2014, 08:15 AM
Hi Jake, I was hoping your Mom wouldn't have to go back to the hospital anymore. But it is probably a good thing that the doctors, want to play it safe. And I guess little setbacks are to be expected. But hopefully she will continue to improve. And thanks for the update, and continued good wishes.

XJ Wheeler
10-15-2014, 06:39 PM
Hi Jake, I was hoping your Mom wouldn't have to go back to the hospital anymore. But it is probably a good thing that the doctors, want to play it safe. And I guess little setbacks are to be expected. But hopefully she will continue to improve. And thanks for the update, and continued good wishes.

Me too Bob. That is very true though, better safe than sorry. And that's what i was telling her. She was kinda bummed and i told her at least its just a precautionary instance, instead of something really serious.

Thanks bud!

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

XJ Wheeler
10-16-2014, 04:34 AM
Well, new issue. Chris (my brother and Illuminator on here, who is also here with us in the hospital) woke up around 2am with pretty bad upper abdomen/chest pain with tightness. It has now moved to his back and lessened. But we are now waiting in a room in the er downstairs. They have done an ekg, which came back normal, as well as blood tests and an x-ray. Don't know the results on those yet.

If i can, i ask for prayers for him. Thanks.

XJ Wheeler
10-16-2014, 07:03 AM
Check that... The doc said he believes its acid reflux. I'm guessing a pretty severe case if it was that bad. Anyway, he is now discharged and back upstairs. I tell ya, having one as a patient is tough enough. Don't need two. Reality check time!

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10-16-2014, 07:53 AM
Geez bro, glad he's ok

Sent from my SGH-M919 using Tapatalk

XJ Wheeler
10-16-2014, 07:20 PM
Thanks Jim!

She has been discharged. Actually just left. They think it was an infection. Of the cause, i don't know. But they have had her on antibiotics and she has some pill form to continue. They took a couple biopsys to see what exactly it is but it doesn't have the characteristics of GVHD they said. But we should get the results in a few days.

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers everyone!

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10-17-2014, 10:02 AM
Might be a bit late on this, but sent one up for your brother

XJ Wheeler
10-17-2014, 07:55 PM
Might be a bit late on this, but sent one up for your brother

No problem, I still appreciate it. Also, its still bugging him off and on but no where near as bad.

XJ Wheeler
12-16-2014, 01:26 AM
About time I give an update for you guys.

She has been doing pretty well. The rash cleared up and hasn't caused any problems at all. She has been having a fair bit of pain in her hands and wrists. She says its getting a little better though. We went to see a rheumatologist (iirc) and they did some blood work. Don't know the results yet but from examining them he says its either GVHD or arthritis. Either way they can't really do anything because the treatment for either is steroids. The "team" doesn't want to out her on steroids because it would suppress her immune system and part of that is the new cells. So, they increased her anti-rejection medicine. It will have somewhat of the same affect but not as extreme, on both hindering her immune and helping the pain.

She has been getting her vaccines again since the transplant wipes away all of hers.

Chris has been battling the gerd still, not as bad though. About a week and a half back he started having a pretty severe abdominal pain. After a few days we went to the doctor. A CT scan showed some inflammation so he put him on a couple antibiotics because he believed it was an infection that was the cause. It has seemingly disappeared since then. Thank God!

But all in all, its going well. Thanks to everyone for thinking of us, and of course the prayers.

May everyone have an very Merry Christmas!

12-23-2014, 05:00 PM
Still praying, Merry Christmas!

XJ Wheeler
12-23-2014, 05:20 PM
Still praying, Merry Christmas!

Thank you! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas too!!!

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

XJ Wheeler
01-25-2015, 03:45 AM
Okay, new updates.

A couple weeks ago her labwork showed a decent drop in her hemoglobin, down to 11.4 (normal is 12-16). Not good. They said it was probably a normal fluctuation but of course the thought of relapse comes to mind, but thankfully this last Thursday it showed to be up a little to 11.8. A couple other things are creeping up though on the labwork. Her kidney function and potassium are a bit high. Most likely due to the anti-rejection medication she is on is causing it though, so they say. So it was decided to lower the dosage some.

And a few days ago she had an appointment with the dermatologist about a growth. They examined it and said it may be cancerous or precancerous and to be taken seriously. So, they have scheduled her for surgery to remove it in a couple weeks. Comes as a bit of a shock and hopefully its not bad. I can't even think about more treatment.

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

01-25-2015, 04:11 AM
Thanks for the update... More prayers sent out!!

XJ Wheeler
02-04-2015, 12:36 AM
Well the surgery has been scheduled for the morning at 6:15. We were told its a minor surgery and that she will have conscious sedation. Thankfully cause going under is not something she was happy about. The results are suppose to be back in 7-10 days as well.

Truly appreciate if you keep her in mind tomorrow with your prayers.

02-04-2015, 06:43 AM
Prayers sent bro

XJ Wheeler
02-04-2015, 08:41 AM

They just split us up and we'll see her in a few hours. Shouldn't be more than an hour in the OR though.

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XJ Wheeler
02-04-2015, 01:09 PM
And she's out. Actually been done for a while but i couldn't post because i wasn't suppose to use my phone there. It went well and we're grabbing lunch.

Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers, now to wait for the results...

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

02-06-2015, 09:01 AM
Continued prays brother.

XJ Wheeler
03-03-2015, 10:21 PM
Took longer than we thought for results but... ITS NOT CANCEROUS! Thank God! The pathology showed it was pre-cancerous and very Blessed to have caught it early. Also, her hemoglobin had been down a bit for a while (not sure if i posted this) but this latest blood draw shows it back up in the normal area. Double Praise!!

Appreciate every thought and prayer. Cherish every moment. None are worth missing out on making the most of. ;)

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03-03-2015, 11:35 PM
Great news Jake glad to hear it !

03-04-2015, 12:31 AM
Good news Jake

XJ Wheeler
03-04-2015, 12:35 AM
Yep, been feeling pretty Blessed! :D Thanks guys!

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03-04-2015, 06:56 AM

03-04-2015, 07:07 AM
Glad to hear it bro

03-09-2015, 01:53 PM
Awesome news!!

XJ Wheeler
03-26-2015, 03:37 PM
Okay, its that time again. Earlier today she did another bone marrow aspiration to check it out. Going off the timeline in previous tests it should be about a week before results start coming in, although we may not be back to get them for a few weeks. We'll see...

Otherwise she's doing well. Her labs are looking good, with the acception of her kidney levels. Although they're not worried about it and the anti-rejection medicine is most likely the cause.

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03-26-2015, 06:58 PM
Will continue prayers my friend

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03-26-2015, 11:58 PM
Saying prayers for good results!!!

XJ Wheeler
06-05-2015, 12:19 AM
Been meaning to update this but never seem to remember to...

The results to the bone marrow biopsy were excellent. Actually they were just about the best they possibly could be. The blast count was still 1%, and no other signs of disease even to the smallest degree they can test.

There has been a few other issues but none to worry about and most have subsided thankfully.

I want to extend a big thanks to any that continue to think and/or pray for us. The past couple months have brought us past the three year mark for diagnoses, first chemo, first year after transplant and later this month her third anniversary of remission.

06-05-2015, 08:12 AM
That is great news, Jake! That really brought a smile to my face!

XJ Wheeler
06-05-2015, 06:50 PM
That is great news, Jake! That really brought a smile to my face!

Thanks bro! I forgot to mention it also showed she has finally fully engrafted to the donor cells. So her dna is no longer hers.

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

06-05-2015, 07:01 PM
Good thing she's not a criminal ;)

XJ Wheeler
06-05-2015, 07:14 PM
Good thing she's not a criminal ;)

Lol, just that warrant in Guatemala for dog fights...

Sent via messenger pigeon - i talk, he types.

XJ Wheeler
01-13-2016, 03:44 AM
Hey guys, been a while for this. I'll update the long term later but more recently... She's back in the emergency room. She came down with something (cold, flu, i dont know) a few days ago. But since the transplant nothing is typical with her. So she's gotten worse and developed some more serious symptoms. Overall... nausea, headaches, severe leg cramps, dizziness, low bp, high bp (different times of course), fever, diarrhea, chest pain, chills. So here we are again. I know the doc has said she'll be admitted but wants to talk to her stem cell doctor first. I'm guessing that won't be till the morning. I'm just going by what my brother is sending me because they won't let me in. A new "one person with patient rule". [emoji34] Never was a problem before with the numerous times we've come here. Anyway, they've done bloodwork, ekg, CT scan. All of which I know none of the results. And hung iv antibiotics.

I would really appreciate any prayers you guys can offer. It brings it all right back, and it's a horrible feeling. We were up most of last night with her screaming and crying due to the pain in her legs everytime she'd fall asleep and would continue for a while. I'm thinking due to dehydration its bumping up her potassium, and too high of potassium can cause leg cramps. Just a guess but she's had these for a while and her potassium runs on the high/normal side due to medication. Although they usually are not near as bad as last night.

01-13-2016, 10:46 AM
Sent one up Jake

XJ Wheeler
01-14-2016, 01:12 AM

Long day. More tests. Isn't flu, heart seems fine, CT is good.

Although... her potassium was dangerously high. They've since given her meds to drop it, and it has. Her sodium was pretty low as well. White blood cells quite elevated, indicating infection. And red cells down some, due to the rise in white cells.

Her temp has lowered, risen, and lowered again. Her breathing and heart rate were increased earlier as well, but have since leveled out. Still has headaches, nausea, and such. Waiting on cultures, but shes on antibiotics till they come in. They're thinking about an endoscopy and colonoscopy to check for GVHD. But hopefully they'll wait on the cultures so she doesn't have to go through that for nothing.

Sent via messenger pigeon. I talk, he types.

01-14-2016, 08:01 AM
Sorry to hear this bro. I will definitely say some prayers for you guys

XJ Wheeler
01-16-2016, 01:38 AM

She was looking pretty bad last night. A lot of wheezing, coughing, and quite short of breath upon exertion. She has had a fair bit of fluids running constantly since she came in. But they think all the fluid is affecting her lungs. So today they cut it back and tried to get some of the fluid off and it seems to have worked. She's moving around much better and the cough is gone.

Also they think they found the source, a uti. Changed up the antibiotics. And they say we are leaving Saturday.

Sent via messenger pigeon. I talk, he types.

XJ Wheeler
01-20-2016, 02:02 PM
Well, she's been out for a few days now and still feeling a bit cruddy. I'm guessing they missed a virus or something. Almost done with the antibiotics too. At the internal medicine department now so maybe they'll figure it out...

Sent via messenger pigeon. I talk, he types.

01-23-2016, 06:27 AM
Will continue to pray for you all Jacob

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XJ Wheeler
01-30-2017, 11:41 AM
Wow, over a year since I posted here. Dropped the ball a bit but it's been a busy year... [emoji6]

Coming up on the third anniversary of the bone marrow transplant and fifth year since diagnosis. Still some issues. They tried reducing the anti-rejection medicine again and the GVHD came back... again. So she's back on full dose and they'll try again in a few months. Some random illnesses but nothing major. Labs are holding strong. They haven't done another bone marrow aspiration but with the labs being good there's no big hurry.

We are in today for a surgery, just localized for a skin cancer on her face. Some new technique of slicing the area called Mohs surgery. They said it was low risk so no biggie.

As far as life we've gotten back to work some but it's gas related so it's very inconsistent and to be honest I don't think she's up for full time. But after five years sure could use the financial help. I just gotta believe He'll provide.

Anyways it's been on my mind to post an update for a while but I am a pro at PROcrastination so sorry for that.

Sent via messenger pigeon. I talk, he types.

01-30-2017, 12:13 PM
Glad things are better health wise for your Mom. I hear ya on finances. Things haven't been the same for me either since Obama and his cronies ruined my business. But there is hope now

01-30-2017, 01:09 PM
So glad to hear your mom is still doing well, for the most part. I was just thinking about her last week and meant to ask you how she's doing.

Don't worry too much about the Mohs surgery, I had it about a year ago to remove something from my forehead and besides really bad headaches for like 12 hours afterward (I think a reaction from the anesthetic injected) it wasn't bad. I healed up in ~2-3 weeks and now I can't even tell where it was.

XJ Wheeler
01-30-2017, 01:27 PM
Glad things are better health wise for your Mom. I hear ya on finances. Things haven't been the same for me either since Obama and his cronies ruined my business. But there is hope now
Yes! We can have some hope now! Sucks when hope isn't even an option.

So glad to hear your mom is still doing well, for the most part. I was just thinking about her last week and meant to ask you how she's doing.

Don't worry too much about the Mohs surgery, I had it about a year ago to remove something from my forehead and besides really bad headaches for like 12 hours afterward (I think a reaction from the anesthetic injected) it wasn't bad. I healed up in ~2-3 weeks and now I can't even tell where it was.
We're all done now actually and they only needed to slice one time! She's a bit worried about scars so I'll share your experience for sure. Appreciate the thoughts and knowledge on it Abe!

Sent via messenger pigeon. I talk, he types.