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View Full Version : Gonna try to make time..

Jamie Lynn
03-08-2012, 11:14 PM
As some of you may know..last October my dad was hospitalized and put on oxygen(which they haven't increased that yet, he is still on 3 liters of liquid oxygen)..since then, life has been extremely hectic. Between constant appointments at the VA and my own health issues..I've had very little time to actually come and sit down and relax on here. So I figured I would update everyone.

We are still going through a ton of testing for my dad..they aren't 100% sure yet if he is or isn't having seizures...so that has been a whole great nerve racking situation. I feel like most of my life is spent running to Lebanon VA Hospital and the other part is spent going to my appointments.

But so far, Dad has been doing great..I haven't had to rush him to the hospital since October..which is a god sent...And another blessing is that they found more of his records from Germany from his traumatic brain injury back in 74..apparently the double Decker bus hit him in the back of the head and threw him 100 yards into a light pole. The neurologist told us that he has sustained more trauma to his brain then all the football players in the NFL. She said that could be accounting for his lack of memories and ability to have clear thoughts.

So if everyone could please keep him and I in your prayers...today I had to go and have a biopsy done...I will know the results of the testing next Thursday...and seeing how I'm the only child close to my dad...he is counting and relying on me to take care of him...Thank you all and I miss you guys so much..but like I said..I'm gonna try to find more time to get on and catch up with everyone.

03-09-2012, 07:41 PM
Take your time and get yourself and your father as well as can be ;) We'll still be here! Definitely saying some prayers for both of you.

Jamie Lynn
03-14-2012, 09:17 PM
Thank you. Dad had 3 hours of testing yesterday and today...waiting for the final word from the neurologist as to what exactly is going on and what I'm going to need to change for taking care of him. Tomorrow I go for my test results back from the biopsy last week...hoping and praying everything is good to go..because lord knows my plate is full enough without any bad news from the biopsy.

03-14-2012, 10:44 PM
Our prayers are with you Jamie

03-15-2012, 10:29 AM
x 2:pray:

Jamie Lynn
03-16-2012, 06:13 PM
Got great news from the doc..the pathology report showed nothing..so :D I go back in 3 months to see him and he said that if I want to at that time I can start the process of trying to have a baby...so excited...(not gonna start then but the news was great) Thanks for all the prayers guys. :love0007:

03-16-2012, 07:20 PM
Hey! Great! So happy for you!!!

03-17-2012, 09:11 AM
Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Jamie Lynn
04-12-2012, 01:50 AM
Thank you all for all the prayers and thoughts. Wanted to update you all...Dad had his neuro/psych testing last month..we go tomorrow back to the Lebanon Va Hospital to get the results back from that. The reason he had that testing done is due to the TBI (traumatic brain injury) he sustained in '74...I'm hoping and praying I/we will have some answers as to what we can do to help make daily living a little less stressful and easier on the both of us..Although the new medicine they have him on has been working wonders..a lot less random fits of anger and frustrations..which is a god sent for me.

I will try to hop back on tomorrow to let you all know what we found out.

04-12-2012, 06:41 AM
Good to hear Jamie

XJ Wheeler
04-12-2012, 08:46 AM
Glad things are doing a better, hope its a continuing trend. Be praying for you guys.

Jamie Lynn
06-20-2012, 02:01 AM
Well, its been quite a while since I got on here..things have just been so hectic. Found out that Dad has blockage in his heart so he will be needing surgery at some point in the near future for that, which means we will have to go to Philly for it...yay me...not..
They also have increased his oxygen intake..and I've been going completely crazy trying to hold everything all together. Just figured I would stop in quick since I had a minute and update you guys. I'm hopefully gonna try to find a little more time then I have to jump on here quick to say Hello. Love and miss you guys.

06-20-2012, 06:39 AM
Welcome back Jamie, miss you too. Hope everything will good with you.

06-20-2012, 09:25 AM
Well, its been quite a while since I got on here..things have just been so hectic. Found out that Dad has blockage in his heart so he will be needing surgery at some point in the near future for that, which means we will have to go to Philly for it...yay me...not..
They also have increased his oxygen intake..and I've been going completely crazy trying to hold everything all together. Just figured I would stop in quick since I had a minute and update you guys. I'm hopefully gonna try to find a little more time then I have to jump on here quick to say Hello. Love and miss you guys.

Thanks and keep us up to date, as you have time.

06-20-2012, 04:17 PM
We'll keep you guys in our prayers

06-21-2012, 12:19 PM
Praying for you guys.

Jamie Lynn
06-21-2012, 12:28 PM
Thank you all so much. I swear some days i don't know if i'm coming or going. Between Dad, having all 3 kids here all the time to spend time with Pappy...doc appts...my physical therapy..fishing trips....swimming trips...ugh...I would love to go away for a few days which i tried but i couldn't relax & ended up cutting my trip short cuz Dad was apparently being a handful for the person who decided to stay with him so I could have 3 days to myself.

Oh and I went last week for a check up from my biopsy in March. Everything is good & the doc told me in 6 months I can try for a baby...only a few issues with that one...need a man...wanna be married first & at this point & time...I basically have 4 of my own( Dad & the kids) but 8 have to say I'm relieved to at least get that news. So guess I found my sliver lining, right?

06-21-2012, 12:44 PM
Glad the biopsy thing worked out well. Your right, you need a permanent relationship for kids. It doesn't work well otherwise

06-21-2012, 01:23 PM
coolies girl.................hows the jeep running

Jamie Lynn
06-21-2012, 11:10 PM
Glad the biopsy thing worked out well. Your right, you need a permanent relationship for kids. It doesn't work well otherwise

Yeah. I've been seeing someone now for a couple of months...so far so good but hey, they all seem nice & normal in the beginning. Lol..time will tell I guess.

06-21-2012, 11:11 PM
You keep getting biopsies and you won't have anything left :D

Jamie Lynn
06-21-2012, 11:13 PM
coolies girl.................hows the jeep running

The jeep is running splendid..you know I love her...no problems. Even let the guy I've been seeing drive her..now we fight over who gets to drive her cuz i REFUSE to be seen in his Wrangler...

06-22-2012, 12:04 AM
The jeep is running splendid..you know I love her...no problems. Even let the guy I've been seeing drive her..now we fight over who gets to drive her cuz i REFUSE to be seen in his Wrangler...

good on ya Jamie.....yep wouldn't be seen in a wrangler either....its the wife's.........:o:o:o:D

06-22-2012, 12:18 AM
good on ya Jamie.....yep wouldn't be seen in a wrangler either....its the wife's.........:o:o:o:D

Whatever helps you sleep at night Wayne!!

Jamie Lynn
06-22-2012, 12:31 AM
Lol....last.time I checked, I wasn't a Barbie doll....I'm waaaaay cuter then her...plus I'm not plastic.

06-22-2012, 12:34 AM
good to see a bit of humor in ya thread Jamie...and glad ya heaths on the up plus ya dads

Jamie Lynn
06-22-2012, 12:38 AM
I always have humor...lol...trust me. I find ways to smile, laugh & giggle at things. No sense in being a Grumpy Gills Mc Gee all the time or a Debbie Downer, life is way too short.

06-22-2012, 09:56 AM
Lol....last.time I checked, I wasn't a Barbie doll....I'm waaaaay cuter then her...plus I'm not plastic.

Does this mean his Wrangler is pink? He might have problems :rolleye0012:

06-22-2012, 10:41 AM
Glad you and your dad are doing well Jamie, great news to hear. Since I was apparently made an elder I have been rather swamped from work and then duties to the tribal council not to mention that requests for my help have increased so much I have to turn a few down these days.

Jamie Lynn
06-25-2012, 07:47 PM
Does this mean his Wrangler is pink? He might have problems :rolleye0012:

It's black but good lord has it been through hell & back poor thing. The best thing that could happen to his wrangler is a mud hole swallows it & its never seen from again. I alteast told him I would be decent & throw flowers into the mud hole...out of respect of course. Lol.

Jamie Lynn
06-25-2012, 07:55 PM
Glad you and your dad are doing well Jamie, great news to hear. Since I was apparently made an elder I have been rather swamped from work and then duties to the tribal council not to mention that requests for my help have increased so much I have to turn a few down these days.

I'm so happy to hear you made elder. That's awesome. Things have been ok. Did my first physical therapy appointment today...that sucked. I can't bend my neck or sleep on my left side for 24 hrs. Do you realize how hard it is to not bend your neck down, especially chasing after the kids?..It was amusing to see me make dinner...lol...i couldn't help but laugg at myself. Thankfully Dad & the kids have been a major help today. Spent most of my weekend not feeling the greatest so my youngest nephew, Boogie curled up in bed with me & watched movies. He also went toe to toe with a guy cuz he pinched my behind & Boogie took it very offensively. I'll tell you...Boogie hates when someone gets too close to me when they aren't suppose to....lol.